Just a dream

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Looking up at Jacen as he used the force to stop my breathing . Looking at my lifeless Anakin I wanted to die . Failing the mission I knew I couldn't go on without the dark side having influence on me .

Death was the answer to all of my problems. " Anakina ." I could hear my name being called by someone that I knew .

Gasping for breath as I starting to claw my throat .

Then out of nowhere I wasn't in pain anymore . Could dying be that painless and quick as falling asleep . " Solo, please talk to me !" Solo, why was he calling Jaina while shaking me . Could a girl not die in piece as she was clearly fighting her twin brother . " Help Jaina ." I cried as I shook him away from me . " Who's Jaina ?" knowing that voice as my eyes suddenly flipped open.

Seeing Obi-Wan , I tried to sit up but I was to weak for it . " What happened ?"
I knew I needed to do more meditation sessions like my Father had guided me through . To help me in touch with the force .

" You was in pain as you were seeing something . Then you got quiet when you quit breathing on me ." Obi-Wan said as he picked me up .

" Where are you taking me ?" I asked not being able to get my cousin as he died in my arms out of my head .

Small Ani hurried as he came up beside us . " Will you be okay ?" He asked as I couldn't not say a word to him. Nausea went through me as seeing Anakin's blue eyes .

Not saying another word as he quietly walked beside us .

We walked to where the Naboo hospital was at ;a young woman doctor walked up to us . " Follow me !" She said as blackness took over me .

Obi-Wan 's POV

Dr.Naeka Gayn motioned for me to carry Anna to a nearby bed . Laying her unconscious body carefully on the bed . " Master Kenobi , Anna looked at me like she saw something terrible happened . "

My eyes averted to my small padawen as the boy walked to the sixteen year old girl . Picking up her hand as best that he could do .

" She looks a lot like Padme !" He exclaimed as I knew that Anna should have become his teacher . The two of them had a bond that was very strong . " She does in her own way ." I replied to him as he sat on the bed .

" Master Kenobi , will she be okay ?" Smiling , as the young one was full of questions.

Before I could answer Dr.Gayn walked through as she seemed puzzled . The droids roamed past helping other patients .

" I never seen anything like it . Something happened which made her body just to quit working . " Dr.Gayn said as I placed my hand on top of Anakin's head. " She was okay for one minute and then it was like her head caused her to begin screaming. "

Hearing my words , young Skywalker grasped her hand tighter as best that he could . " She saw something Master Kenobi . I sensed it when she looked at me as if she seen a ghost . "Anakin explained. " I mean ,I know the force is powerful to you but it wouldn't make her quit breathing ." I told Dr.Gayn as she shrug as she didn't know what to say .

" She'll get better in a couple of days .Make sure she stays in her bed chambers till she is stronger to go home . " she advised . " I will , thank you Doctor ." I replied to her instructions .

" If you need me , I am always here ." Dr.Gayn said as she gave us one more smile before she to the other patients .

I looked around to see where I was . Home in my own bed as I wondered did I dream the whole thing. Sitting up with no pain at all .

" Anna." as the ghost of Ben said as he sat on the edge of my bed . " What happened Ben ; did I fail my mission ?" I asked as a smile crossed the old man's face . " No child . But be patient with the younger me even though it seems impossible. " Ben answered . " I don't know if I can do this ." knowing my words threatened tears to my eyes .

" You are your Father made over . Trust me Annakia , you are a very skilled Jedi and you are a Skywalker. It runs in your blood like the rest of your family . " Ben exclaimed as he patted me on the knee .

" I will try ." I replied trying to fake a smile to the old ghost . " There is no try in the force young one .There is do or don't ." he had to say as I remembered stories Father told me when Master Yoda trained him .

Smiling as I tried to hold a laugh back ," Okay Ben I'll do this . " saying it as confidence grew in me .

Groaining as I slowly opened my eyes to see small Ani . He was looking at with his big brown eyes concerned about me .

" Your awake ." the boy exclaimed as s huge smile crossed his face.

" Where am I ?" I asked looking around to numerous beds lined in a row .

" Master Kenobi brought you here when you quit breathing . Anna, why did you look at me when you saw me walking toward you ?" Shyness wasn't one of his problem as he crossed his arms . Which placed a smile on my face that I couldn't help .

" Your eyes reminded me of someone who I lost long ago." the words barely came as the scene kept replaying over again in my head .

" Your eyes remind me of Queen Amadala . " Anakin replied as the boy was a lot me when I was a child . I couldn't help but wonder if Father or Aunt Leia acted just like him.

Father gained his sandy blond hair as a child but Anakin's shade darken like my hair .

" You know Ani ; we might be kin somehow ." I said as he hugged me then went off somewhere .

Seeing as he skipped off like most children do .

I knew I had to become that child's best friend who he trusted and loved.

Annakia SkywalkerWhere stories live. Discover now