A future to see

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Another week had passed and there was no sign of any memories coming back .

" Dr. Nika, maybe she will never have another one !" Obi Wan said as she came to check to see how I was doing .

Smiling at him then to me as I knew that it would never happen ; " I hope that it will be years but it is going to happen again , Master Kenobi !" Dr.Nika said as I looked up at Obi Wan who was standing beside my bed .

" Anna, I will see you in a couple of days . Till then get some rest! " She added as she gathered her equipment and left the room.

" Well , isn't she unique !" I could hear Obi Wan say as all I could do was smile at him .

" She was being nice !" I told him as he sat beside me on the edge of the bed .

Shaking his head at me , Obi Wan leaned over to kiss me quickly.

" But I do not want to spend the remainder of my years here in bed ." I exclaimed as I caressed his cheek .

" You know that , I am not letting you out of this bed .Till at least , we know how to make you where your not killing yourself ." He replied as I knew that he was telling the truth .

But this is not where I needed to be ; I needed to be meditating so I could remember why that I had failed the first time I was here .

" Mediating will not help you any ,Anna . " Obi Wan exclaimed as his facial expression grew concerned about me .

" Yes it will ,Obi Wan . I remembered most of my seventeenth year till you dragged me back to conscious. Because Ben or you knew that I was dying . " I replied as I knew that Ben would never let myself go more than I should.

" Still Anna , that is the future me where I am dead and cannot protect you like I can now !" Obi Wan protested as I knew this was a loss battle .

Grabbing his hand, as I knew that I need to savore every moment with him instead of arguing with him.

" Obi , tell me something that I have been wondering since the hospital . What made you come back just like nothing that I told you ever happened . That night , I knew you were hurt beyond measure when you walked away . " I began to feel the tears slide down as if it was yesterday .

Smiling at me , Obi Wan wiped the tear from my eye as he lifted my head with the other one .

" When I saw you on the floor covered in blood . I thought I had lost you forever .; and if you had died in my arms or at the hospital . Our last memory would be me walking out on you when you needed me the most ,An!"

His voice sounded broken ; as he kissed my hand before his eyes locked with mine .

" I wanted to go back to that night to tell you that I loved you instead of walking away from the love of my life !" He added before he leaned over to pull me close to him.

His lips claimed mine tenderly then more roughly ;" Obi, we could get caught ; It is still daytime." I giggled as I pulled away for a moment .

Obi Wan smiled , as I noticed the five o clock shadow that was just starting to grow .

" I do not care right now ,Anna . " He exclaimed as he pulled me toward him once more .

Feeling like it had been a eternity since I had been in his arms .

Our lips synced together as he ripped my nightgown off of me . Dragging me with ease to the center of the bed ; I began to roam my hands under his shirt .

" Eager are we ?" Obi Wan said as he began to kiss down my neck .

" Says the man who ripped my nightgown off of me !" I replied as I could feel him smile as he got to the base of my neck . We spent the rest of the night making up for lost time .

" Aunt Leia , please make sure she grows up to be who she is called to be !" I said as the thought of dying seemed easy compared to leaving Padme motherless . But she had Obi Wan to help take care of her .

" I will take her as my own !" Aunt Leia said as tears slid down her cheeks .

" Tell Father that I am sorry that I failed ." I barely could get the words out as I felt the oozing of blood sliding out out of my mouth .

My eyes looked up to see an older Obi Wan who looked more than hurt as I could feel his hate and love for me .

" Anakina ." His words were bitter as he looked down to my red lightsaber .

Obi Wan 's pov

Sensing something was off as I flipped my eyes open to make sure Anna wasn't having another vision of her past .

Sensing Anna 's breathing was normal but blood soaked the sheets due to her nose bleed .

I shook her trying to wake her up but she remained motionless. " Anna , come on love . Wake Up !" I said a little to loud as panic began to sink in. Putting the cloth to her nose and the other to her throat ; I saw something that never in this outer rim would I ever see again.

Anna's pov

" Obi Wan , please forgive me for betraying you and the Jedi order . It was never supposed to be this way!" My words began to mumble as the darkness was coming close to me .

Why would I turn on him and the council , I thought as I could hear Obi Wan 's thoughts .

" Padme knew there was still good in you and I did not believe her . " His thoughts would forever haunt him as I laid there dying .

The scene turned dark then to me and father in our small kitchen .

" Anakina , The force is not giving up on you . We have one more chance to see things go right with fatber . " How could I go back knowing that I failed my husband and daughter . Knowing that they would hate me forever .

" Make me forget ,Father . " As I knew that I would have to relive the fail past one more time .

Knowing that now I would remember why I failed the first time .

" Anna ,come back . " I could hear Obi Wan call me as I turned around to see the young Obi Wan running toward me .

" Anna !" Someone was shaking me as my eyes flipped open to see Obi Wan holding me in his arms .

Seeing his eyes filled with worry instead of hurt brought me back to reality .

" What happened , Obi ?" I asked as I looked up to his confused eyes .

" You were bleeding and when I went to wake you . I touched your head and I began to see your memories with you . An, you was dying and I hated you and me for it . We have a daughter and I saw a lady who looked alot like you and Padme !"

Sitting up as best I could , how could he see the future or my memory. Did it have to do with whatever a anchor was if I was a anchor .

I knew that I needed to go see Master Yoda and see if he had any answers for me .

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