Anchor and Jacen

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Looking directly at Master Yoda as he was deep in meditition, " Come ,help her Obi Wan to a chair!" The small green creature said as Obi Wan helped me walk to a near by chair .

I had grown weak from the latest vision even though it had lasted minutes .

" Skywalker , a vision of your memory you saw , did you ?" He asked as I winced from the pain as Obi lowered me down to the chair .

Opening his eyes , concern for me and the future laid in his eyes . " Saw it you did ,Master Kenobi !"

Knowing that if the Master Jedi would be able to see my memories like Obi did . Then our secret would be out and Obi and I would be out of the Jedi order .

" Yes I did ,Master . It was very disturbing what I saw in our future and Anna's past . " Obi Wan answered as my eyes slid to the man that Obi Wan had become.

" Skywalker , trouble with their emotions ,are they . " Master Yoda said as I gave him a weird look.

" Trust me , you must . Anakina , Ben has showed me things that I must tell you and things that I cannot tell you . " Master Yoda 's voice was serious as he got up slowly from his chair and walked to me .

" Who is Ben ?" Obi Wan asked as he scooted closer to us .

" Big part that you have in Anna's mission, Obi . But some of the future you must not know !" He exclaimed as I could not help but smile at him .

" Yes master !" My boyfriend complied as I sensed he was not happy about being left out of our conversation.

" Anakina , deep in meditition I have been to find out the truth. And it has been revealed to me by a Master Jedi that has been long gone from here ;what a anchor is . "

Finally , I thought to myself as I would find out what a anchor was.

Silence loomed the room as Master Yoda took my hand into his ," Eight hundred and something years that I have been in this galaxy . My master, long ago told me stories about a girl that he knew . Strong with the force ,was she . That my Master began to learn of her past but a mystery it remained . She was the object or the mortal being that held the past and future bound together . Change it , only she could with the help of the Jedi . Go to the past or future , they could with the help of the girl . Anchor , they called her .But the dark side loomed in her the more she changed it. Instead of joining the dark side ; she let the Sith find her and kill the girl so they would not let it proceed the Darth Lord's plan !"

Breathing a deep breath , as I took it all of what he had just told me in perpestive.

" Why would I be born a thousand years later instead of her near descendent ?" I asked as I grew angry at the girl that I did not even know .

" Had a son , she did . So she chose you ,Anakina . Why , I do not know !"

So many questions loomed through my head as I was finding out my past in a short year that I was here .

" Okay , I get who I am to the force . And I can remember some of why I have failed . But Master , why am I choking myself to where I actually believe it ?"

Yoda looked me then to Obi Wan as sadness filled in him.

" Because unlike the first anchor ,Anakina . The force has a will for you to be here . Death has came for you yet remain here ,you do!" He said as I knew that I was dying in one of my memory and the time Jacen choked me back when one of made up memories that my father willed me to believe .

" What are you saying ,Master ?" Obi 's voice broke our conversation as his eyes fell on him.

" Your body is shutting down and even the force can not stop it . The reason has remain a mystery it is . Meditate on this , I will !" Master Yoda said as his words struck fear right through me .

" I am dying !" I asked as I felt tears threatening to slide from my eyes .

Sensing, Obi Wan was filled with anger as his eyes darted to me .

" Death or sleep to come also remains unknown to me ,Master Kenobi . Be wary of your thoughts , Obi Wan. Lead you to the dark side of the force , they will. "

Hours later after my strength returned ; I was with Tataina giving her lesson about her lightsaber for the day .

Her red hair in a bun, made me think that the daughter that I had held her father's hair and my eyes .

" Anakin !" The little cried as she shut her light saber off and handed it to me .

Smiling , as the six year old ran to Anakin as fast as her little legs could carry her .

" Ani, Anna is teaching me how to use my light saber !" She cried as I sensed sadness in the eleven year old boy .

Praying that Obi Wan did not tell him of anything till Nika could see what the truth was about my health .

" Master Solo, can I please talk to you ?" Anakin asked as his eyes met mine. Noticing that he had grown a couple of inches since I got to stand beside him.

" Tataina, we are done for the day . You can go see your friend !" I told the girl as her face fell.

Knowing that , she was going to be a strong Jedi someday . I knelt down as I picked Tataina up with ease as I planted a kiss on her nose .

" You did a amazing job today ,Tataina. I am super proud of you !"

Hearing her squeal as she ran out of the library .

" We are alone ,Ani . What is bothering you ?" I asked as I took a seat and motioned for him to do the same .

Fear of losing me was going through his mind ;" Did Master Kenobi tell you about my condition ?" I asked as I took my hand to hold his .

Anakin nodded as anger toward Obi Wan went through me for a minute .

Taking a deep breath , " I do not know if I am dying ,Ani . I may fall into a deep sleep or maybe I will be okay . Who knows ,the way the force works I could here to see you fulfill your destiny !" I exclaimed as I knew the truth yet remained a mystery .

But I prayed that whatever happened that Anakin would chose the other way .

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