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" Anakina , please come here !" A voice exclaimed as I looked up to my mother with a smile .

" Mamma." Four year old me said as I held my arms out to her to pick me up . Lifting me up with ease , Leia put me on her hip .

" Are you not going to say anything to her ?" A voice said as a both looked to who was speaking .

My father ,Luke's expression wasn't happy at all.

" Luke , she is still a baby . She goes to the academy next year . So let me have this time with her as a stability ." Leia replied as she passed him to go into her small kitchen .

" Leia , she is my daughter ,not yours ! I know you have had her since she was a few months old till now . But I want her to know who is her true mother and father really is ." Father said as you could sense sadness in his voice .

" Mara has Leila now , and she wants Ben and Anakina to know their sister now !" He added as he walked up to take me from my own mother .

" No mommy, please dont let him take me ." I could hear myself cry as I clung myself to my mother .

" Luke , please Anna needs me . " . I could hear my aunt pleading with my father .

" Anna." His voice was sad as I moved my head so I could see him clearly .

He was in his late twenties ;at least but I could see Anakin and Padme in him.

" Anna , it's time to go home . Leia please for me !"

Nodding as I could see tears in my mother's eyes . She motioned for him to take me .

Clinging to her as tears rolled down my small face . But he was stronger than I was as he removed my arms by force .

" Goodbye my sweet girl ." She whispered as he carried me to his cargo ship as I kicked and screamed all of the way .

" Anakina , Mara is your mother not Leia !" My father sternly said as the scene went from there to when I was fourteen at the academy .

" Father , Mara is not my mother at all. Aunt Leia will always be my mother in my eyes ."

Remembering that my mom chose Leila's side over mine .

So I started calling her Mara like everyone else so I could make her even more angrier at me .

Sensing someone walked upon me and Father's fight .

Looking up to see Jacen as mixed emotions crossed his face .

" Jacen , this is none of your concern . You have bigger problems to deal with than Anakina's fight with me ."Father said as I looked back to my father .

" She is my sister ,Uncle Luke . " Jacen argued back as he put his hands on his hips .

The tension began to rise as I looked at the blue walls of the room that we were in.

" Jacen , I know she is like a sister to you, three kids . But the truth is she is Ben and Leila's sister . "

Believe me , I loved Ben and Leila because we were close .But Jacen and Jaina would always the Jedi that I wanted to be when I was sixteen .

" Father , Mara is my mother and I love her very much. I shouldn't have made Mother more angrier at me ."

Knowing my words were truth as I hated the both of them being angry at each other .

We were Skywalkers , a family born for to be close with the force .

Our grandfather ,Anakin was the chosen one to bring order back to the force .

" Jacen , can you give me a lesson on medititaion !" I asked as I walked over to him .

He handed out his hand for me to take . Accepting , we headed to one of the training rooms .

" Anna, come on . It's time to wake up ." A voice called as I looked around to see who it was.

Flipping my eyes open , the ghostly version of Ben was sitting on the edge of my bed .

The tan walls seemed way to famaliar as I knew I was back in my room .

" Ben , why am I doing back here ?" I asked as he looked worried with grief .

" Anna, your biggest trials are ahead of you . Never give up on me even when I seen impossible to love me . " Sensing , he was hiding something else from me .

Knowing that my vision of the past wasn't a random dream at all.

" I know that Jacen was your brother and he was a very gifted Jedi . But there is no good in him any more ,Anna . "

Knowing, he was telling the truth as tears slid down my face .

" I know that , Ben, because the Jacen that I love wouldn't kill his brother and me ."

Jacen , the boy who I grew up with would have done anything to protect his family .

" Jacen is coming back to the past to stop you , Anna . Be prepared my sweet girl because he will be the cause of alot pain for you ."

My heart slit open as the thought of Jacen coming back for me .

" Anna, I never stopped loving you !" His words faded as I could feel the sunlight on my face .

Fear and pain ; of the future here with Jacen here made my mission more harder than ever .

But ,I felt warmth as the sun rays hit my face .

" Master Anna , Queen Amidala urges you to get dressed for breakfast . It is almost ready !" A hand maiden said as I sat up to wake more up .

" Tell the queen that I will not be late for breakfast . " I replied as I swung the blankets back from me .

Hopping out of the bed , I opened the dresser using the force . Bringing out my brown brassiere and brown tights , it didn't take me long to get dressed .

Grabbing my lightsaber to stick on left side , I opened the door and headed out to the dining hall.

Three hours later , Master Rebecca and I was on our way back to Corustant .

She seemed less angry at me as she tried to make light talk with me .

But the truth was ,I didn't even care as I couldn't get the vision out of head .

Jacen , how could I hate and love a person at the same time . " Master Anna , why didn't you tell me that you helped in the war to bring Naboo back to the republic!" She exclaimed as I looked from the window to her .

" Because the thing is ,Master Rebecca , I didn't think about it .I was a small piece to the war !" I replied as she looked at me with surprise .

" Small piece , Master Anna , no piece is small ." Master Rebecca said as I gave her a encouraging smile .

Taking a deep breath as I saw the planet coming up ahead . I knew that whatever happened, there would always be a Jedi to bring peace back to the galaxy .

Annakia SkywalkerWhere stories live. Discover now