Father's advice

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As the weeks past , walking became bearable . I went from a few feet to walking down the hallway .

" Master Anna , I am so proud of you !" Hearing little Ani's voice made me smile as I could tell he was growing taller.

" Very slowly Ani , but I am getting there !" I replied as I placed my hand on his shoulder for support.

" Master Obi Wan , is doing very well with you !" The small creature exclaimed as I looked up to see Master Yoda in his little round speeder .

" He has been very patient with me ."

Hearing him laugh, Master Yoda knew one of my weaknesses was patience .

" Yes , Anna patience is a skill you must learn with the force ." Master Yoda said as I knew in my heart he was right .

The past and future Jedi Order were very different with each other .

" Patience , Wisdom , a Jedi's key to becoming stronger with the force . Something that you must learn , Master Anna ." He added as I could feel red creeping on my cheeks with embarressment.

" She will learn patience, Master ." I heard Obi Wan's voice behind me as his words sent chills down my spine.

" Good , Yes ,good ." Master Yoda said .

Father used to tell me the same words when I was his padawan .


" Father , this is not working !" My fifteen year old self cried throwing down my green lightsaber .

I was trying to learn how to become one with the force by meditition.

But I was growing restless as the minutes passed by.

" Anakina , you are going have to learn patience ." Father cried as he picked my green lightsaber up and handed it back to me .

" Let's pratice dueling with the lightsabers ,now ."

Smiling , as I felt my father's love and affection that held for me.

" Your brown eyes are so dark ,my daughter . But hope is in them , my sweet daughter . " His encouraging words made me glad for once in a long time ;that I was Luke Skywalker's daughter instead of his niece .

As his compliment of my brown eyes made me stop remembering for a split second .

As I broke out of my trance as my eyes landed on Obi -Wan . I must have been in my thoughts for a while because Master Yoda and Obi Wan were standing side by side.

" Are you okay ,Anna ?" Anakin asked me as I turned to see him by my side.

" Yes Ani, I was in my thoughts ." I answered him as I picked his hand up and squeezed with my hand .

Obi Wan's eyes went from Master Yoda to mine as he sensed my unweariness .

Why did the memory make me have brown eyes instead of my blue ones.

Knowing my brown eyes changed when I arrived in the past but blue in the future .

" What is bothering , Master Anna ?" Master Yoda asked as my eyes averted to him .

" I remembered a memory that did not seem like I remembered! "

Obi Wan 's eyes filled with passion ;as I knew he wanted to comfort me .

" Sometimes , our mind brings up the truth when we try to deny it !" The small green creature said as his smile grew bigger .

" Leave , I must . Obi Wan , your teaching is coming along . " Master Yoda added as he turned around to leave us .

Anakin looked up at me as I fell back into my own thoughts ," Master Anna , is it bothering about your eyes changing color ?" He asked as his question brought me out of my trance .

" Yes , I miss them because that is the only thing that I inheritated from my father !" I answered as missing him pierced my heart for a split second .

" I prefer your brown ones ." Obi Wan said as he interrupted our conversation .

Smiling, as his eyes pierced mine . " Why do say that for ,Master Kenobi ?"

Remaining motionless, as I could not sense any motion from him.

As I tried using the force to read his feelings but nothing came ." Master Anna , why do you think that I prefer your brown eyes instead of the blue !" Obi Wan said as he used my tatic of answering a question with another question.

" Because , you prefer brown eyes on girls than blue ones ."

My answer made his motionless face turn into a smile . As he held his frame to keep from laughing at my answer .

" O ,Master Anna , I think your answer is far from the truth !" He exclaimed as he motioned for me to come closer to him.

Wondering what would Anakin think about the way we were talking to one another .

" Anakin, can you give us some time alone !" I said as my eyes averted to the small boy to my left.

Anakin 's smile couldn't get any bigger as he nodded and made his way to the library .

" Now Obi , you must watch the way you talk in front of your apprentice ." I teased as I grabbed his arm to bring him closer to me .

He shook his head at me as he closed the distance from us ." Then you must not ask such questions, Anna !" Obi Wan retorted to me .

" It was a simple question because you only saw my blue eyes for a short brief time !" I said as I knew they vanished the first two months that I first arrived here .

" I remember them Anna , it's not like they disappeared overnight ." Obi Wan argued at me as I knew he needed to be always right in our arguements.

" That is not what I meant ,Obi Wan . I meant I had my brown eyes for so long since our first kiss till now ."

Kissing me briefly as his smile came back to his face , " I also remember that as well ."

It felt like yesterday instead of almost a year since we first met and shared our kiss in Naboo.

Suddenly, pain shot rang through my head as I brought my hands up to my head .

" What is wrong ,love ?" Obi Wan asked as my vision began to blur.

Feeling his arms wrap around my waist so he could hold me up from falling .

I couldn't even speak as the pain increased through me ," Don't quit breathing on me !" Obi Wan snapped as he picked me up .

But I knew something was wrong :as I could feel myself begin to slip away from him.

Suddenly ,the pain disappeared out of nowhere .

Grabbing his cloak tightly ,I became exhausted from what just happened .

" Obi , I am scared !" I whispered as Obi Wan carried me to my room.

" Do not worry ,Anna . I will protect from the creature or darkness is trying to get ahold of you ." Obi Wan said as I knew that I could not do this mission alone anymore .

He needed to know why I was here and that he was my life source .

As he laid me down on my bed , sleep came to me very quickly .

" Anakina , listen to me . Do not let him come where you are !" A voice said as darkness was around me . I couldn't tell when or where I was at .

But I knew that voice anywhere as I could feel a smile come on my face .

"Father !" I whispered .

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