Birthday Girl

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" Happy seventeenth birthday !" I could hear his voice called as a smile crossed my face . As Anakin , my twin , smiled as tears came to my eyes .

The one person that I was so happy to see since I had been gone .

Wrapping my arms quickly to the boy who I absolutly loved and thought of my twin.

" Anni, I have missed you !" I exclaimed as tears slid down my cheeks.

" Why silly , you must saw me yesterday ." He joked as he looked at me as if I had lost my mind .

I blushed from embarrassment as my family were all around us .

" Maybe I need more sleep !" I muttered as Anakin shook his head at me in laughter .

" No twin , today is our birthday so let's celebrate ." Anakin proclaimed as we walked to my family .

Everyone seemed like nothing had happened even Jacen was there .

The good Jacen got up from the brown with red fabric chair that he was sitting in . Walked to us to give us a birthday hug each .

" So how does seventeen feel like ?" He asked me as his smile grew big.

" Weird , I am glad it is with you guys instead at the academy ." I replied as I knew this scene wasn't a memory or even someone talking to me .

" Yes , now that you have been a Jedi for a year . I think it's time you join me and Anakin on our next mission .

Excitment and confusion filled in me as I faked my smile .

Was this a dream of the future if I successively completed my mission.

But where was my daughter at; if I survived this mission .

Sensing if she was nearby but she was no where to be found .

" So , where does our mission lie ?" I asked as his smile turned to a frown.

" Do not worry about it today ,Anna. You and Anakin's birth is truly something to celebrate ." He answered as I gave him a playful shove .

" Now why do you say that for, Cousin . Surely , all of us Skywalkers birth is a celebration in itself ."

He laughed as he heard my words , " Yes I know that ,Anna . But with your brown eyes of grandma's compared to us other blue eyed babies . Only mother has the same brown eyes of grandma Padme Skywalker. "

Brown eyes , I knew I had my father's blue eyes except when I went back in time . That was when my eyes turned the color of brown .

Exhaling , I knew this dream was a pointless one . For once I was glad that I didn't end up going crazy .

" No wonder that I had such a hard time leaving Aunt Leia's side . I could be her daughter with my eyes and all . " I said as I ran my fingers through my long braid which came down to my left side .

" Well you was four when Uncle Luke came to get you ." Jacen said as we walked to the main room.

Aunt Leia stood up and walked over to me , " Seventeen baby girl , you have grown into such a beautiful young lady !" She said as she wrapped her arms around me .

I laid my head on her shoulders as I wished she was with me in the past . Aunt Leia was the one person who understood me completely .

" I love you so much ,Aunt Leia ." I said as I clung to my aunt tightly.

" Anna, it's time to wake up !" A voice called as tears slid down my face .

I didn't want to leave my family because I knew it would be years before I would see them again.

" Come on sleepy head !" A smaller voice called knowing it was my two boys waking me up .

Opening my eyes slowly to see two huge smirking faces close to me .

" Anna, I know it is your birthday . But sleeping till late afternoon is a bit much ,isn't it !" Obi Wan said as he threw the covers off of me .

As the pain didn't register much as I pushed myself to sit up .I hoped that I could walk with ease in the next few weeks .

" So it's not like I could go on my speeder to a faraway planet ." I exclaimed as I could feel myself blushing .

" I am sorry that you can not walk . " Anakin said as he crawled close to me .

" Do not apologize at all ,Anakin. It is no one's fault but my own . " I said to him as I wrapped my arm around him.

" Anna , it is not your fault either ,my l-." He stopped himself as from saying love .

" I have a gift for you !" Anakin's voice interrupted us as he held a small necklace like the one he had made for my grandmother .

Handing it to me , I knew I would cherish the small wood necklace .

" Thank you Ani, I am in love with it !" I said as I tightened my arm that was around him .

" You are very welcome ,Anna . "

" Tell me Ani , I know it's been a week since I had seen you last . How is your meditition sessions coming along with Master Yoda ?" I asked as I knew that I wanted to become close with him again.

He shrugged, as I could sense his sadness that was in him .

" Okay , Master Yoda says that I need to concrete more . To be one with the force ." Anakin answered .

" I know its seems really pointless for medititaion, sometimes . Anni, I was the same way when I was your age . But it helps you to bring more focused on all of the living things ."

Sensing that his mood brighten up a little more because of my words .

" Ani, it's about that time for your session with Master Yoda ." Obi Wan exclaimed as Anakin nodded to his words .

" Yes Master !" He said as he hopped off of the bed . Anakin grabbed his lightsaber that was sitting on my nightstand that was near my bed .

Watching as he left the room as fast as his little legs could carry him .

I prayed that I could bring him from walking down the dark path . That would lead him to the dark side.

" Now that we are alone , my love . It is time for my present for you . " Obi Wan said as he handed me a small wooden box.

The box itself was beautiful , it held a blue painting coat with gold lace around the sides of it. The initials O and A on the top of the box made me smile even more .

" Open it ." He added as he covered his hand with mine .

As I lifted the lid , words were carved . Forever my love on the other side of the lid .

Obi Wan took out a necklace that took my breath away . A silver locket with a small red crystal in the small corner with the silver chain . I fell in love with my necklaces as I placed them both in my small box.

" I am glad you like it ! " Obi Wan's words broke me out of my trance .

" Like , I absolutely love that you had given me !" I exclaimed as I put the box to the side so I could hug my boyfriend .

He brought his arms around me as I laid my head on his shoulder.

" I love you ,Anna !" Obi Wan said as I could feel myself smile .

" I love you to." I replied as I wished that he knew who I truly was . Then this mission would not be as hard as it has been . I could share my worries with him like any normal girlfriend does . But the truth was , we would never be normal due to us being jedis.

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