There is evil in everyone

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As I looked back up , I was back at the door again .

As I tried to take in everything that I had seen and learned from what I had seen .

Something seemed to come but tears as the thought of Anakin dying by someone's else hand instead of Jacen .

"Anna , please do not be angry with your father !" Ben said as his voice brought tears to my eyes .

" Ben , how could I let him take away everything that I knew . And be replaced by something totally different !" I snapped as I looked up to see his face .

Filled with sympathy and love for me , Ben held my hand even though I couldn't feel it .

" My sweet girl , you are going to see a darkness in you . That you never knew that you had . " He exclaimed as I knew it was time to open the door again .

But instead of my kitchen , I was in front of a burning just like when Master Ginn had died .

But now it was my best friend and twin cousin ,Anakin . Aunt Leia held me as I walked closer to see my blank expression as I watched his body burn .

But sensing that my feelings said ; as anger and pain covered my entire body .

I wanted that girl's head for what she had done to my beloved Anakin.

" I need to talk with Anna !" Jaina said as the girl was hurting but she showed calmness on her face .

" Not now Jaina !" I cried as I wrapped my arms tighter around my aunt .

" Anakina , I am not asking !" The girl said as I wondered what she needed to talk to me about .

And why in the world , would I not to my best friend .

" I said not now , leave me in peace for a moment !" I snapped as I turned around to meet her gaze.

Seeing Jaina 's face soften at my words ; she nodded as she muttered later .

More scenes of me and Jacen as we played for the revenge on Anakin .

Never had I seen myself so wrapped with revenge for a life . As my eyes were dull and lifeless from the countless sleepless night for the next three months .

And my family caught on to it ; but they remained silent.

Finally the day came for Jacen and me to sought out our plan .

But the trip was cut short when Father hid my lightsaber from me .

"Father , give me my lightsaber now !" I screamed as I let anger take over my body .

His eyes was filled with concerned as he grabbed me by my elbows ; " No I am still your father . You do not want to do this ,An." Father replied softly

Rage flew through me as I used the force to throw him against the wall .

" I have to end her before she cause any more deaths ." I said angrily as I located my saber as it flew right back into my hand .

" Anakina , you are taking a path that it will be hard to come back from . Believe me , when my own father killed Ben . I wanted him dead but I knew there was still good in him."

Tears began to flow from my eyes ; as I knew in my heart he was right .

If I did this ; I would more than likely fall to the dark side .

" Anna, you are a good person . I know you are hurt from Ani's death . "

How could I not see where my choices was taking me .

" I am not the fifteen year old girl anymore ,Father . Jacen and me are doing this ; even it means going to the dark side !"

My own words were bitter as I turned my back on my father .

" Wait , there is a way that you can save your cousin without killing anybody ." A voice said as I turned around to see my Aunt who did not look the same as I remembered .

Grief, had hit her as hard as it did me .

" Do not play mind tricks with me !" I told her as I could feel my heart begin to feel again for a second .

" Anakina , never use that tone with me . And Jaina has done it but failed ; now it is your turn . Because you are different than the other grandchildren of our father !"

Did Jaina come back in time to help our grandfather? Questions filled in me as I suddenly felt someone calling my name.

Obi Wan 's pov

Looking down at my padawan as we finished our meditation lesson for the day . I couldn't even think straight since that night with Anakina .

Knowing that I should have never broke the code with her .

" Master , when we will be able to see Anna ?" The small boy asked as I looked down to meet his gaze .

" You can today after finish learning all of the planets of the galaxy !" I answered as I knew that I could not keep her from completing the mission.

Then a feeling came like the day I had found Anakina lying on the library floor .

" Blood , I can sense it !" Master Windu chimed as he was feeling the same I was .

Trying to sense where or who it was ; I followed quickly Master Windu out of the library with Anakin tailing behind us .

Anakina 's pov.

" Anna , you need to come back ! " I could hear Ben's voice in my head as confusion hit me .

" I can't ." I muttered as I watched Leia come near me .

Suddenly ,his ghost form was beside me as he took my hand .

" Now Anna !" He yelled as I was being dragged behind him.

" Why Ben , I am not like I was here !" I insisted as I fought to get my hand free of his .

Everything went black ; as I could not see Ben or anyone any more .

" Anna , you have to come back !" Obi's voice called out in the darkness .

But I knew that I had to stay till I learned the whole truth .

Opening my eyes , I saw my broken Obi Wan holding me close to him .

" Anna ." Was all he could say as he wiped a strand of hair from my face.

Memories of what of who I thought I was and the real me was two very different personalities.

" Stay awake ,okay . " Obi Wan said as I felt him pick me up with ease.

I saw the pain in his eyes as all I could do was nod at him.

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