My Friends and I

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It was a very sunny and hot day. My friends and I were at our lunch table out under a big, shady tree. We're all laughing and talking to each other about what we are going to do during the summer. Today is Thursday and tomorrow is Friday, the last day of school.

I asked Adam what he was planning to do during the summer and he said, "I'm going to Hawaii to visit my great grandma." Then that's when Tyler blurted out," Great grandma?! What is she, like 100 years old?!" We all laughed except Adam. "No, she's 89 and still breathing." Then Tyler said, "Whatever, that's still pretty old to me." We all have fun together as friends...telling jokes, watching movies, and more.

Adam I've known the longest, but not too long. He's a smart, short guy with a big interest in videogames. Tyler is tall, strong, and funny; but he can be a jerk at times. Jenny is a very pretty girl with a desire for fun, but sometimes she worries a lot. Sabrina is a cool, good-looking girl, but at times she can be looney. Rachael is the cute red-head, she's quiet but very nice. Lastly, there's me. I'm barely the tallest, I love cars, music, movies, and more but who doesn't? The only thing that stands out is that I'm good at drawing, but I'm not even that good. My name is Jonathan, but I like being called John, but my friends call me Johnny.

A few minutes later the bell rang. We all went to class; I have science next. Since it was the last week of school I'm sure the teacher isn't going to give any assignments. I got there a couple of minutes before the second bell. I was kind of sad though. I don't have anything to do during the summer, so I'm probably going to be bored as hell. The teacher came up to the front of the class and said to do whatever we want, "Just don't break anything," was added. I guess I was right about not doing any work.

I stared at the ceiling at first, then I decided to draw. I pulled a notebook and a pencil out of my backpack. Then I opened the notebook to a blank page and began drawing. I started drawing a few palm trees, then sand, and a body of water. A voice behind me said, "Wow, that's a cool drawing, you're really good." It was a classmate named Lucy. "Oh, thanks." I smiled; I didn't really get any compliments as a kid so every time someone would compliment me, I'd always get all nervous. It's a good thing she's sitting behind me, I don't want her to see me smile. She asked if I've ever been to Hawaii and I said, "No, but my friend is going there during break." Then she asked if I was gonna do anything during summer break. I just sighed and said no. Moments later she asked if she can touch my hair. I hesitated to say something, but I finally managed to say, "Uh, sure." I have curly hair, which apparently is the kind everyone likes. I felt her hand feel my hair gently, "I love your hair Johnny, it's so soft and curly." I blushed a bit,"Oh um, thank you." She laughed and finally left me alone. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath quietly.

Before I knew it, school was over and I started walking towards the student pick-up area. Later, my dad arrived in his Lincoln Navigator to pick me up. I got in kind of sweaty from the heat. "How was school?" I replied with the usual "good" answer. Then he talked about why I haven't had a girlfriend in 5 years. I hated when he said that. The ride home was kind of bothering for me. My dad parked on the driveway and opened the garage. I went in and like always he says, "Don't touch my cars." He has 2 nice cars in our garage: an old 1969 Plymouth Roadrunner, and a new Dodge Challenger SRT. I emptied out my backpack because on the last day of school, students aren't allowed to bring backpacks. I finished and entered the house. I went up to my room and lied on my bed.

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