The Three Musketeers

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After talking about a ton of zombie possibilities a new conversation came up.

"Hey I just thought of something," Tyler spoke," If we're in Nevada, why don't we go to Las Vegas?" Sabrina and Nancy liked that idea. We talked about it, saying that it's actually a bad idea.

Las Vegas is a highly populated city, which means way more zombies. Chances are a large horde of zombies will kill us the moment we arrive. Plus it's extremely hot over there, sometimes the temperature can raise up over 110 degrees! So we decided to stay and travel through small towns where there's not too many zombies.

A moment later we all noticed that the truck was moving slower. "Hey Adam, did we run out of gas again?" Tye said. We heard a "yeah" from Adam.

The truck stopped and Adam got off and headed towards the trunk. A few seconds later he came back, "Guys....we're out of gas, not a single drop left." We all had wide eyes...shit.

Our plan was for Tyler, Adam, and I to go out and scavenge for resources and keep an eye out for gas. The ladies would stay here in the truck. Nancy had her dad's gun, and the others had all the melee weapons. Adam took a bat though, because he didn't have any firearms. We would try to come back by sunset.

Sabrina and Tyler kissed for a bit. Then Jen spoke to me, "Hey John, come back...please." I nodded, "Don't worry, I'm sure we'll be fine." I received a hug from her and Rach. "Okay, let's go."

The three of us walked along the streets of this wrecked city. Adam carried his bat over his shoulder and Tyler carried the shotgun with both hands. I just had my gun in my front pocket with the handle sticking out.

"Okay where do we look first? Gas station? Supermarket? 7 Eleven?" Adam said. "Uh, whatever we see first I guess," Tye responded. I mentioned that we should stay in alleys or near walls. We already saw plenty of zombies in the distance. "Whatever you do, don't shoot," Adam informed.

If we shot, then all zombies in the nearby radius of the blast would hear and come towards us. Which means we'd be dead meat, even though technically the zombies are dead meat.

We walked quietly around buildings and through alleys. The first convenient building we saw was Quick Stop. If not a lot of adults headed in there after the outbreak, then it'd probably be full of food.

We made a crossing-the-street strategy where we'd hide silently behind a parked car then when the zombies' directions were faced away from us, we'd jog across as quietly as possible. When we would get to the other side, we'd hide behind another parked car or alternative object just in case a zombie heard us. We named it Operation: Roadrunner or whatever the hell that means.

We did our Roadrunner technique and it actually worked pretty well. The 3 of us entered the building quickly and only saw one zombie. Adam had the quietest weapon so he took a shot at it, not literally.

Before it noticed, Adam swung and hit it dead-center in the forehead. It fell to the ground and didn't move. Then surprisingly Adam stomps on it's head and its face gets smashed through its skull. We stared at him with wide eyes. He responded with a whisper, "Double-tap." Tyler and I nodded.

Double-tap is a term for killing completely. You can't just shoot or strike once and suspect that it's dead just because it's not moving. You have to finish the job.

We all gathered what little food there was left. I turns out that lots of items here were robbed excessively by a numerous amount of people. At least we still had luck here.

We filled our food (mostly snacks) in a few paper bags behind the cashier counter. Plastic bags would make too much noise, but paper reduces the noise by about 60 percent.

There were 3 bags, we all carried one each. We decided to set them in an empty alley we went through. We'd go search for gas and then come back this way and get the bags.

The 3 of us walked through dark areas, making sure we don't forget the way we came. Then to our luck, we spotted a Chevron gas station.

It was difficult not being spotted in broad daylight, but we still managed to get inside undetected.

We searched "Employees Only" rooms and behind the counter. All we found were some cleaning supplies. "Come on man, we've gotta find some gas," Tyler said. I agreed, it's difficult to do this, but this kind of why us guys are doing the scavenging.

We checked some back rooms and thankfully found 2 gas cans. They were on a high shelf though. "Hey Atom, why don't you get 'em for us?"Tye teased. Sometimes we'd called Adam "Atom" since he was very short. Adam told Tyler to shut up, and then they started fighting.

The cans were pretty high up, I hopped and got them both. I was going to break up the argument when I saw something lurking in the corners. "Hey guys there's something there." They still didn't listen, and then I saw what it was, "Holy shit, guys it's a zombie, guys shut the fuck up and look over there!" The 2 of them finally listened and payed attention to our enemy.

Adam was getting ready to attack when we heard a blast. The zombie exploded and we looked at Tyler. "Oops," he said. Shit, there were a ton of them outside. We stood standing there for a few seconds and then we heard growls and roars. "Shit, let's run!"

We all ran out of the station, all zombies already had their attention on us so there was no point in try to hide. I took out my pistol and started firing, so did Tyler. I held a gas can in one of my hands, and Adam held the other. We ran for our lives with guns blazing. It was very hard to shoot a gun with one hand, especially a teenager like me. I noticed that a few were running after us, that just made me want to run even faster.

We made it to the quiet alley. I put my gun in my pocket and grabbed the bags quickly. I saw that my 2 best friends just kept on running without me! What the hell?! I ran in their direction, I didn't feel tired probably because of the adrenaline. I crossed some streets and looked back, only one runner was after me but it tripped and fell on a curb. I ran relieved, this whole thing was getting insane.

I finally reached the gang, Jen took off quickly. The 3 of us were breathing heavily. I wanted to scold them for leaving me, but I was too tired to speak. We drank some water to replenish ourselves.

Tyler and Sabrina kissed, Adam shut his eyes, and I just stared out the window.

After a minute of driving, we stopped and refueled the tank. Then the Hummer took off once more.

Everyday this new world gets more and more difficult to survive in. Resources vanish, the infected strengthen, and humanity dies. The 7 of us can't give up. We need to get stronger, smarter, faster....just better. We need to improve ourselves to overrule these ugly, horrible, foul monsters. We'll survive, I know it, but we have to work together. Teamwork is the key in winning, and in this case winning the apocalypse. We can do it....we will do it.

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