Lonely Road

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I kept backing up, almost tripping over unleveled dirt. Squinting my eyes in the rain, I jumped to the sound and sight of the explosion, "H-holy shit!" Flames, rain, and red mist mixed in the distance as I froze to the never before seen incident.

Adam just darted toward me, "Come on!" I turned around and ran with him, catching up to Jenny. As we ran I couldn't keep myself from constantly looking back at the disaster. The three of us kept on going; we were on a wide field now. We were suddenly accompanied by a light shining down on us, coming from the helicopter. "Guys, the helicopter sees us!" I exclaimed.

I was so happy that it didn't end up taking off! We slowed down so the chopper can ease its way onto the field. Though, glancing over to the fire I noticed a small group of zombies quickly making their way over to us!

Before I can yell out the danger I heard Jenny scream, "Oh god, they're coming!" I looked up at the helicopter almost to the ground, "Come on, come on!" About 10 seconds later it landed and the large door opened. "Hurry! Get in!" I heard the pilot yell out.

Jenny hopped in first, but the closest Runner appeared almost tackling Adam. It tripped and its face landed on the chopper's landing bar, now smashed. "Shit, hurry!"

Adam managed to climb on, almost slipping due to the heavy rain. I quickly leaped but I felt my foot being grabbed tightly. I kicked repeatedly and shook off the bastard, unfortunately hitting my shin on the edge of the platform. I felt so much pain combined with fear that another zombie would grasp me. I rolled on as I felt my friends' hands pull me closer to the interior.

"Go, go, g-"
Suddenly an emerging Charger rammed the front-left of the helicopter, frightening the pilot most. I don't know how the controls work but he hit something on accident due to the terror, and that gave the vehicle a hard tilt! I was now sliding off the platform, never receiving the chance to pick myself up.

Head first, I was about to fall out to my death. The chopper was already a few yards high, but luckily Adam managed to grab hold of my ankle. My waist up was still dangling, and the vehicle was still rocking side to side. "Oh my god, oh my god, holy crap," I said repeatedly in horror.

Adam isn't the strongest for our age, and I swear he was loosing grip. He was in danger too having me by one arm, while the other was around a belt. Jenny was already buckled but still holding onto Adam for leverage.

The pilot was still not in control, the helicopter started traveling to the right, tilted. I felt like it was also coming closer to the ground too. "Adam, please don't let go," I said in complete fright. He was seriously using all his strength, "I'm....trying..." That's when the vehicle made a hard turn in the opposite direction and momentum had become my worst fear.

The next thing I know, I'm hearing my name being yelled out....as I'm falling to my death.
I gasped in the worst shock of my life, "Oh my-"

I was at a loss for words... "aghhhhhh!"

Breathing rapidly, tears left my eyes. Then out of nowhere, I land in sub-zero water. The surface hurt me hard and I felt the liquid's resistance as I sunk in pure darkness.

I couldn't swim very well and I was already hurt and short on breath. I was certain that I was done... Dead...

My feet felt the ground underneath, and in that split-second I said in my mind, "No." I wasn't going to give up, I'm not going to die!

I pushed my body upward with my legs, I tried so hard to swim up. I just felt my skin start to ice... I felt like I was in space... Then... black.

I....opened my eyes... I was....so....cold. My eyes were blinded by the sun. I was still in the water with my face barely above the surface. I slowly moved toward the land. Coughing uncontrollably, I crawled onto the sand. After a minute of agony, I looked around.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2016 ⏰

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