[0] Luke

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"Luke, please- please don't leave like this" My mom begged. I forced myself to look away from her green eyes, the same eyes I see in the mirror everyday, which were filling up with water.

"I can't believe I thought this time would be different" I said bitterly, shaking my head and exiting her house with a slam of the front door while she watched me, sobbing in the living room window.

By the time I jumped into the front seat of my car, I was already soaking wet. It was a summer storm, and the rain was pouring down in buckets. 

I shook my brown hair out, successfully spraying water around my car. I sighed, turning on my windshield wipers.

It was only about 6:30 pm, and I headed back towards my dad's place, even though he expected me to be at my mom's until late tonight.

I angrily gripped my steering wheel as my windshield wipers went at a furious pace. My mom is pretty much the biggest let down in my life. Hopefully, it doesn't get worse than her.

By the time I was back by my dad's, the sky had just started to get a hazy pink. Since we live right on the beach, people were always out and about. But summer storms forced people indoors. It was a weird sight to see, but the town looked completely deserted.

I didn't really want to go home yet and explain to my dad why I was home so early, so I drove around a little bit more.

When I drove past the kiddy playground right by the beach, I saw a person. Acting on an impulse, I parked in the lot, pulled my sweat shirt's hood over my head, and walked over there. After all, who would be outside in this weather?

This person had to be the only person outside right now. The rain was falling down so hard, hitting the pavement and making that rainy day sound.

The person was a stunningly pretty girl who looked the same age as me. Her eyes were shut and she was leaning back with her face up towards the sky. She was soaking wet, her dirty blonde hair stuck to her and it looked like she was shivering, but she made no motion to move.

"Uh" I said awkwardly, "What are you doing out here?"

I had to shout slightly to be heard over the wind. Her eyes flew wide open and she sat up a bit and looked over towards me.

"Sitting in the rain" She said easily.

"But why?" I asked, curiously.

"I like rain" She shrugged.

She looked at me intently, her big brown eyes studying me with slight amusement. I knew she could sense my confusion.

"Do you, uh, need a ride home or something?" I offered.

"That's very nice of you, but no thanks" She smiled slightly, "I'm just gonna stay here for a bit longer"

"You look really cold" I said, shrugging out of my jacket, "I know it's wet on the outside, but the inside's really warm"

I placed it around her shoulders gently. For a second, it looked like she was going to protest, but she shivered again as more wind hit, and she smiled sweetly and zipped it up.

"Thank you" She said shyly, "That was really really sweet"

"It's no problem" I said.

I already felt the cold coming in from the loss of my jacket, but I wasn't sorry about it. The girl looked amazing in my jacket, and I was just going to go home anyway.

"I should uh, probably get going then" I said awkwardly.

"Thank you for the jacket" She said, starting to take it off.

"Please, keep it" I insisted, "It'd be a crime to let a gorgeous girl freeze outside"

She looked at me, her lips curling up. I could tell she was blushing a little bit.

"Well, you're a gentleman" She said, "Thank you"

I nodded, and started to walk away, but stopped after a few seconds.

"I can't leave until you at least tell me your name" I told her.

"Lila" She said.

"I'm Luke" I smiled at her.

"Well Luke" She started, "I'll see you around. And you'll get your jacket back, I promise"

"I'd tell you to keep it, but then I wouldn't have an excuse to see you again so" I said honestly.

She laughed, and took it as me being smooth when I was really just being dead serious. But hey, whatever works.

"I'll see you around, Luke" She said, and I waved as I walked away.

I got back into my car, and looked at her through the windshield. She was laying back, eyes shut facing towards the sky, but she was wrapped completely in my hoodie. I smiled at the sight.


The bad mood my mom left me in was gone, until I got home and had to endure my dad's sympathetic looks when he saw that I was back early, and soaking wet.

(Author's note- New story! It's been so long that this is actually kinda weird. This is super short because it's the prolouge, which is also why it has a [0] instead of a 1. Next chapter is chapter one. And dedicated to one of my favorite writers, if you don't read her stories you're missing out)

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