[14] Luke

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It had taken me some time to work up the nerve to apoligize. I knew I had to do it, of course, but I had to take some time to calm down first. As the first day of school loomed into my not so distant future, I decided it was time.

Please meet me where we first met in ten minutes. I really need to speak with you. Please.

I had sent that text to Lila and I anxiously awaited her response.


I let out the air that I was holding in my lungs. She was willing to talk to me, that was good at least. It was a step in the right direction.

When I got there, I waited right where I gave her my sweatshirt that first night. Coincedentally when she walked into view three minutes later, she was holding it and she wordlessly handed me it back.

"I told you that you could keep this" I said, a little hurt.

"I don't want it" She answered simply.

I looked at her, and she looked back towards the parking lot. The lot was almost empty, only our two cars were parked there.

"Look, I'm dating Zach" She said gently, "And he's waiting in the car. He didn't want me to come here alone, and after the way you acted towards him, I don't blame him"

I felt my insides freeze when she said she was dating my best friend, but at least she didn't say it cruelly. And I wish I could say I was surprised, but when I thought about it, it made perfect sense.

"Do you really think I'd hurt you?" I asked, in disbelief.

"You already did" She said calmly, "But physically, who knows? You punched my boyfriend in the face just for being in love with me"

"He's the next person on my apology list" I said weakly. He really was. He was my best friend through everything and what I did was so wrong.

"I haven't recieved an apology yet" She crossed her arms.

"I was getting there" I said honestly.

She smiled a little bit, another good sign.

"I'm so sorry Lila, about everything" I said truthfully, "It's been such a fucked up year and that doesn't change anything but I was so wrong. I slept with Kat because I was never fully over her but right after I did I realized I really wanted you. I'm so sorry"

"It's okay" She said quietly.

"Really?" I asked in disbelief, "Can we go back to being friends?"

"Yeah" She said, hint of a smile on her face, "But on one condition"

"Anything" I said, grinning.

"If Kat's not already on your apology list, add her to it" She said, "We've actually been hanging out  a lot and she loves you, that much is pretty clear"

"She's definitely on it, but don't get your hopes up for us to get back together" I said sadly, "I love someone else"

"You'll get over her" She said knowingly, since I was obviously talking about her, "I hear she's pretty great though"

"She is" I laughed.

She gave me a hug, and I felt a pang go through my heart. I knew I messed up big time, and I missed the only chance I was going to get.

"Please send Zach out, if he's willing to come talk" I requested.

"He will be" She said, and then smiled at me like she used to, "Or I'll make him be"

She walked back to her car, and slipped into the driver's seat. I couldn't see that far, but I assumed she was talking to Zach, and eventually I saw him coming towards me.

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