[12] Luke

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When I woke up the next morning, it was already 1:00 pm.

I didn't have texts from either Zach or Lila, but yesterday we talked about going to the beach again because there's really nothing else to do, so I figured they'd be there.

I slipped on a red bathing suit bottom and a white nike t-shirt. I grabbed a towel out of the linen closet and jumped into my car.

When I got to the beach, I saw the two hanging out in our normal spot. Lila was kind of leaning on Zach, and a pang of jealousy ran through me. I hate when they're alone together.

"Hey guys" I said, walking up to them.

Lila got up and my approach, and came towards me. I kind of expected her to give me a hug, but instead she kicked me in the balls. Extremely hard.

"What the fuck?" I asked, grabbing my balls in agony.

"You're an ass" She spat angrily, "Honestly, you're a complete and total douche, I don't even think I have enough words to describe it"

She couldn't know, so this must still be about me kissing her in front of Kat.

"I'm sorry I kissed you to make Kat jealous but-" I started.

"Ha!" She laughed fakely, "You think this is about that?"

"Uh kinda" I said, wondering what else I could've done that she knew about. But I didn't even tell Zach that I slept with Kat.

"Idiot. Wanker. Fuck head. Ass wipe" She said, and Zach got up and put his hand on her arm comfortingly. I wanted to punch him.

"What did I do?" I shouted.

"Kat!" She screamed, "You fucking did Kat you piece of absolute shit! You said you were falling for me, and then you did Kat! And you show up today pretending everything's normal!"

"How do you know that?" I asked quietly.

"You are literal trash" She said venomously, and took out her phone. She called voicemail and put it on speaker.

And I heard me and Kat's sex noises.

"Please turn that off" I said, looking around at the other people on the beach. A few nearby were glaring at us.

"No" She said, making our voices louder. People looked at us, disgusted, but Lila didn't even glance towards them. Her eyes were glaring at me.

At the point in the voicemail where me and Kat both uh, finished for the first time, Zach grabbed it and hung up. I was glad, because the voicemail was nearly an hour long.

"Lila I'm so sorry" I said.

I honestly was. I slept with Kat, sure. I caved because she was the first girl I ever loved, but now I really like Lila.

"I listened to your voicemail, thinking it'd be an apology. That's what I got instead" She said, shaking out of anger, "Zach, I'm going to the car"

"I'll be there in a minute" He said, not taking his eyes off of me.

I watched Lila walk away, getting smaller and smaller until I couldn't even see her anymore. Then, I turned my attention towards Zach.

"You're mad at me too?" I sighed.

"I can't believe you did that" He said slowly, "Lila's the most amazing girl ever, and you ruined your chances with her"

I knew it was true, but I didn't want to admit it.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked, "You're my bro"

"Luke, I'm in love with her" He admitted.

Complete rage took over my body, and I punched him straight in the eye. I knew it would bruise with the force I used. I also knew that Zach could beat me up if he wanted to. But I knew he wouldn't, because he's not like me.

He stared at me for another second before finally speaking.

"Fuck you, man" He said stonily.

He walked away, and I clenched my fists in anger. I just lost Lila and Zach in the span of a couple minutes.

I'm a fucking idiot.

I have to talk to Kat.

I made my way over to the snack bar once again, and asked the girl at the register to send out Kat for me.

"Hey babe" She winked, "Can't say I'm surprised"

"Kat, my phone didn't magically call Lila" I said slowly, "You did that?"

"I don't know what you're talking about" She said, fake innocently.

"Stop faking it, Lila saved the voicemail and showed it to me" I said angrily, "Why would you do that?"

"So you guys would break up" She said simply.

"We weren't even dating!" I exclaimed, "And now we never will be"

"C'mon honey" She said condesendingly, patting my arm, "You slept with me, you didn't like her that much"

"Yes I did" I said honestly.

"Then why the hell did you sleep with me, Luke?" Kat said, eyes flashing angrily, "No one forced you, you were very very willing"

"Why did you sleep with me, Kat?" I fired back.

She was wrong here too, what right does she have to blame me?

"Because I never got over you" She said truthfully, "I thought you slept with me because you felt it too. Really, Luke, you're not the guy you used to be"

"Kat" I said gently. I didn't know she felt that way.

"It's okay, this was stupid. I'm sorry I called Lila, but honestly you would've had to tell her anyway" She shrugged, and walked back into the kitchen of the snack stand.

I went home as the sun started to set, and all of a sudden it was dark and rainy. I let myself into my room and punched another hole in my wall with my already bleeding hand. 

Fuck it.

(Author's note- How is it possible something i wrote has 10 votes? thank you so so so much for reading and whoever votes, for voting and for being amazing because it means ssosoossosososoosososso much to me! i love all of you<3 And Luke is kinda a jerk in this chapter, huh? I almost can't believe he punched Zach but then again i wrote it. heheheee!)

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