[2] Luke

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I slept nice and late. A decent amount later than I usually sleep. When I woke up, the house was silent, and still. An empty house pretty much always means that my dad was already working. No surprise there, he works a lot. He has to, to support us. I get that, but it still sucks that he isn't usually around. He tries to be a good parent though, unlike my mother. I mentally shook off that thought, it was too early to think about shitty things.

I picked up my phone, and saw a few text messages from my best friend, Zach.

-Dude, come over.


-Wtf did you die

I wrote back 'okay' and threw on a pair of basketball shorts and a t-shirt. It was really hot outside, so rather than walk a block over I took my car.

Yeah, lazy. I know.

I knocked on his front door, and he gave me a fake 'stern' look. Zach was rarely too serious, and he was never actually stern. I'd be scared to see him like that.

"Dude what the fuck?" He asked.

"What?" I answered innocently.

"It's been so long, what happened this morning?" He asked, "Wait, was there a girl last night?"

"No, nothing like that" I shook my head, "I overslept, dude, that's all"

"It's 4:30 pm" He gave me a strange look, "That's old people dinner time"

"I know man" I said, "It happens"

He gave me an understanding look. I had a feeling he knew I saw my mom last night without me even telling him. For a guy who was always joking around, he really knew things. Somehow, it's like he sees right through me. Nothing gets past him. When we first became friends, I underestimated that but the more I get to know him, the more I think he has some sort of creepy mind reading powers.

"Guess what?" He grinned, practically bouncing.

"What?" I asked.

Zach seemed a little too excited. He only acted like this when he has big plans. And his big plans were always very exciting, sometimes dangerous and usually illegal.

"My parents are going to fucking Paris for their anniversary!" He grinned triumphantly.

"Congratulations?" I said, confused.

"You dumbass" He said, shaking his head dissaprovingly, "It means, they're leaving tonight for two weeks!"

"Dude, you're so lucky" I told him.

"I know" He said happily, "I'm having a party tomorrow night, bring anyone and everyone"

"Okay man" I laughed.

Then, we went to play video games. As I was kicking his ass for the fourth time in a row at FIFA, my dad called my cellphone.

"Hello?" I answered, pausing the game.

"Luke, I forgot some important papers at home" He said, "Can you please bring them to work for me?"

"Sure dad" I said.

He told me they were top of a pile on his desk in his home office with a yellow sticky note that says 'IMPORTANT' in black sharpie. I briefly wondered how he forgot them, but didn't voice that to him. He gets a little bit stressed out about these situations, and he's very forgetful. He makes calls to me like this all the time.

"I gotta go, my dad needs me to bring him some papers" I told Zach.

"Man, you suck" He said, "I was just about to make a come back and kick your ass"

"Sure you were" I laughed. He sucked at this game.

"Don't forget about tomorrow" He shouted after me, and I shouted 'bye' at him before letting myself out the front door.

I got into my car and drove home. On the end of Zach's block, I saw a moving truck. I slowed down trying to see the new people. All I saw was a pretty woman in her late 30's or early 40's probably, talking to the guys, gesturing wildly.

I briefly wondered if she had a daughter. She was insanely pretty. I shook my head, and drove past to my own house, and pulled into the driveway.

I looked for the papers on my dad's desk but they weren't there. About twenty minutes later, I finally found them on the kitchen counter. I ran to the car, hoping my dad didn't need them too badly, or on a time notice.

When I passed Zach's block on the way to his work, the moving truck was gone, but I barely noticed because now I was in a huge rush.

When I walked into the building, I got greetings from all the salesmen. My dad is the owner of a car dealership. It was a good buisness, and he made a lot of money from it. I have no complaints because I got my car for free.

I waved at everyone, and rushed into my father's office. I try to help out, and letting him stress about these papers wouldn't do so.

"Here are the papers" I said, handing them to him.

"Took you long enough" He teased.

"Hey, old man, they weren't on your desk" I replied, "That made things a little harder"

"Oops" He said, "Thanks Luke. You're a life saver. You gonna hang around?"

"For a couple minutes, I guess" I shrugged.

"Give this note to Pete, okay?" He said, handing me a piece of yellow lined paper, folded in two.

"Sure" I said, grabbing the paper from him, and exiting the office.

I walked across the floor to Pete, one of my favorite salespeople. He grinned at me as I approached him.

"Luke, hey!" He said, "Good to see ya"

"You too, Pete" I said, "Here, this is from my dad"

He thanked me and opened the note. His face lit up happily, and he excused himself to my father's office. I took this time to say hello to another salesperson, Martha.

Martha was late fifties and very motherly, especially since all three of her sons left home a few years back. She loved to treat me as if I was a son because she's known me for my whole life. Her boys are great people also, the youngest was in law school, the middle is getting married, and the oldest is expecting his first baby.

"Luke, do you ever stop growing?" She asked, pinching my cheek.

"I guess not" I laughed. I was 6 foot 3 right now, and I was pretty sure I was in fact done growing now.

While we were talking, we heard the bell ring, meaning people walked in. I looked over to see three people, a mom with a little girl and a teenager.

Martha excused herself to tend to them. They came closer while discussing with Martha what type of car they were looking for.

That's when I realized who I was looking at.

The teenager?

That was Lila.

(Author's note- I forgot to say this in the last chapter, but 'Bridport' is a real town in England, I think. This story isn't set in England, it's set in America. I just needed a town name. So yeah. This place is made up. This one is dedicated to the author who is the entire reason I joined wattpad in the first place. I wouldn't even be on this website if it wasn't for her stories. Check her out, if you haven't already)

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