[15] Lila

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I went with Zach the morning of his party to pick up the liquor with him, and he got so much it was almost unbelievable.

Except it wasn't.

It was Zach, and he liked to go all out on things.

"C'mon, we both know this vodka is so much better" I said, holding up a blue bottle to him.

"You're crazy" He said, holding up the clear one, "This one is"

"Dude, you're wrong!" I insisted.

"Oh well, we'll just get both" He shrugged, placing both bottles into the cart.

I laughed, and he put his arm around me. Our dating didn't at all change our stupid little arguments, but I wouldn't have wanted it to. We're great as we are, we don't have to start agreeing on everything too.

We went to the register, and the guy examined Zach's fake ID closely.

"Big party, huh?" He asked, handing it back, satisfied.

"Yeah" Zach nodded.

We carried the liquor to the car, and gently put it all so it filled up Zach's giant trunk. He smiled at the sight. Zach loved throwing his parties, he was a legend.

"Wanna come over before the party?" Zach asked, holding my hand as he drove.

"Sure, just drop me home so I can ready first, and then I'll walk over" I told him.

He followed my instructions and stopped in front of my house, said 'see you soon' and pecked me on the lips gently.

I smiled, and went up to my room. I went over to my closet and pulled out a body con acid wash dress. I paired it with a pair of white sandals. Then, I applied dark, black eyeliner, and put silver glitter over it. I puckered my lips and put red lipstick on. To finish everything off, I straightened my hair. 

I looked in the mirror satisfied, and walked down the block to Zach's house, getting some honks by passing cars.

"Wow, you look stunning" He said, letting me in.

He had already set up an alcohol table and snacks, and put away everything that was extremely breakable.

I blushed and thanked him, and he lead me up to his room.

"Let's take a picture" He said suddenly.

"Later" I said awkwardly.

"No can do, it must be now" He said, grabbing his camera off his dresser.

"Why?" I whined.

"Because, in about a minute I'm going to destroy your lipstick, and probably wrinkle your dress" He whispered.

I wanted him to kiss me so badly, I agreed to a picture. Sadly, he took about twenty before I could convince him to stop.

"Enough pictures, just fucking kiss me!" I shouted.

"Your wish is my command" He smirked, throwing his camera on to the night table.

He leaned in and forcefully pressed his lips to mine. I wrapped my fingers into his hair, and he pulled me closer. I pressed my whole body on to him, and I felt him groan in my mouth. I smiled against his lips, it was sexy when he did that.

I pushed him on to his bed, and got on top of him, kissing him hard. It was the best make out we've ever had.

Sadly, that's when people showed up.

We both jumped off the bed at the sound of the door. I straightened my dress, and laughed at Zach having red lipstick on him. 

"What?" He asked, leading me downstairs.

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