[3] Lila

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"Happy birthday Lila" Anabelle shouted, jumping on to my bed to wake me up.

"An, we were gonna let Lila sleep in!" My mom scolded gently, also entering my bedroom.

"It's okay" I smiled at both of them, and let Anabelle hug me tightly.

"Happy birthday Lila" My mom kissed me on the cheek, "Let me finish ordering around the moving guys and we'll go out"

"Okay mom" I smiled, and she went back outside.

I brushed out my dirty blonde hair, and straightened it. I usually leave it wavy, but hey you only turn 17 once. Then, I put on black eyeliner and mascara on my brown eyes. I put on eos because my lips are insanely chapped.

I threw on a baby pink spaghetti strap tank top that I tied into a knot on the side of my stomach to reveal my belly button ring, and a pair of jean shorts. I slid my feet into black sandals with studs all over them, which by the way are very painful to step on, grabbed my phone and exited my bedroom.

I went to the kitchen and ate some cereal. While I was doing so, Anabelle came in, beaming at me adorably.

"Lila, I made you a birthday card" She said, shoving a piece of paper into my hand.

It was a drawing of me and her, as stick figures obviously, holding hands in a giant heart. In the messy 6 year old handwriting, it said 'Happy birthday Lila' in blue crayon.

"Thanks Anabelle, this is amazing" I said, giving her a big hug.

"Girls" My mom came back in, "They're finally done. Let's go get Lila's present"

"Oooh" Anabelle said, "I know what it is!"

"But we're not telling Lila, remember?" My mom said.

"Right!" Anabelle said happily, "But I know and Lila doesn't know!"

"Exactly" My mom smiled slightly, "Let's keep it that way"

I laughed, and followed them out of the house into my mom's car. I turned on the radio and sat back in the seat. The only place in this town I know how to get to is the park I sat in yesterday, so I had no idea where we were headed, and couldn't pick up on any hints. When my mom finally pulled into a parking space, I still wasn't sure where I was.

"This way" She said, leading me down the block.

Then, I realized what my present is.

"No way!" I said, "You're getting me a car?"

"Yup" She grinned.

"Wow" I said, "Mom that's too much"

It's a really expensive gift, and we just moved. She's a single parent. Though dad did leave us a lot of money I didn't want to waste it.

"Don't worry about it sweetie" She said, pushing me towards the building.

We entered, and a saleswoman with the name tag Martha rushed towards us.

"Hi I'm Martha and I'll be assisting you today" She said, "What are you guys looking for?"

"A first car for my daughter" My mom said, gesturing towards me.

"Okay, what's your price range?" She asked.

"Really anything within reason, I just want Lila to love it" My mom answered casually.

I shot her a look and she smiled back.

"Well, Lila" Martha said, "Do you have any idea what you want?"

"Uh, well four doors definitely, and maybe a hybrid would be cool" I said, thinking about the environment.

"Lovely, I think I know the perfect car, follow me" She said, and we walked towards the other side of the room.

She showed us a four door black car. She explained that it's a hybrid and very fuel efficient and far better for the environment than most cars. 

"What do you think Lila?" My mom asked.

"It's perfect" I replied honestly.

"Then we'll take it" My mom said, and she followed Martha to fill out papers. I started to follow her and Anabelle, but then I saw something that made me stop in my tracks.

There was a boy with brown hair and he looked way too familiar.

Was that Luke?

I walked closer, trying to make it casual rather than creepy and confirmed that it really was him.

"Lila" He said.

"Luke. Wow" I said, surprised, "What are you doing here?"

"My dad owns this place" He shrugged, "How about you?"

"Getting a car" I answered.

"Ah, of course" He said, smiling, "Did you just move here?"

"Yeah, yesterday" I nodded.

"Wow" He said, interested, "So you don't know anyone here?"

"Nope" I answered honestly.

"Well then, I think you should do me the honor of attending a party with me tomorrow" He said, raising his eyebrows at me.

"I don't know" I said skeptically, "It'd probably be uncomfortable, I mean I don't know anyone except you"

"You're going to be a senior, right?" He asked, guessing my age.

"Yeah" I answered, "How'd you know?"

"I'm good at guessing ages" He smiled, "C'mon, I could introduce you around, you're my age and you'll be going to school with me in September"

I thought about it for a minute. I didn't really wanna spend all summer without any friends. I guess it couldn't hurt to go with him.

"Okay, I'll go with you" I decided.

"Great" He grinned, "I'll pick you up at 8"

"Alright" I said, smiling shyly as I gave him my number and my address.

We talked a little bit more as my mom finished up the papers for my new car. She came down a few minutes later looking amused.

"Ah, found you" She said to me, "And you're talking to a guy! That's so great"

Luke started laughing.

"Shut up!" I said, embarassed.

I said bye to Luke and followed my family out of the place.

"Why must you be so embarassing?" I asked my mom.

"It's my job" She shrugged, "He was cute though!"

"Yeah" I nodded in agreement, "He asked me to a party tomorrow"

"That's so great!" She squealed, "We should go shopping, now! You need to wear something cute, right?"

And with that, she brought us to the mall.

(Author's note-I like Lila's mom. That's how I want to be as a mom, embarassing but funny. Okay, this one is dedicated to the lovely author of bullet, which is a fabulous book and you should read it!)

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