[11] Lila

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I followed Zach up the beach, and to the parking lot wordlessly. He didn't try to make me talk or anything, and so we slid into his car in silence.

"I- I thought I was starting to like Luke" I admitted when we were in Zach's car, "But now I don't really think so"

Zach looked at me with the weirdest facial expression. He looked surprised, but also kind of happy. I decided I must be imagining that.

You know what they say, you see what you look for.

"What did he do?" He asked calmly, parking in front of my house, and turning his body towards me. Neither of us left the car.

I sighed just thinking about it again. I hate being used.

"He kissed me to make Kat jealous" I said angrily, "But I don't think that's it completely. I just- I don't think I feel how you're supposed to, you know?"

I knew that was a pretty vague statement, but Zach usually understood me pretty well.  This time was no exception.

"I know" Zach said gently, "Luke's usually a pretty good guy, and you don't have to decide anything right now. Just see how you feel when you're not angry at him"

Zach's advice was legitimately impeccable. He should consider doing this as a profession or something, because he always knew what to say.

"What would I do without you?" I asked him, smiling.

"Lead a boring life" He shrugged, but he smiled genuinely.

I laughed. I knew Zach's advice was good, but my anger at Luke couldn't have been the reason that I felt all floaty and nice everytime I was around Zach.

I stared at Zach's brown eyes, and he looked at me with a smile on his face.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked softly.

"I don't know" I shrugged.

Once again our faces ended up only a few centimeters away. Just a tiny bit foward and we'd be kissing. The thought made butterflies explode in my stomach.

"You're so beautiful" He whispered so quietly, I knew he didn't mean for me to hear it, but we were too close for me not to.

I closed the distance between us, and it was the best kiss of my life. He closed his hands around my waist, and I got on top of him to make better use of the awkward lack of space that kissing in a car provided.

The kiss heated up but suddenly, Zach pulled away from me and stared at me like he had just seen a ghost.

"I can't do this" He said, face blank.

"What?" I asked, shocked. He seemed to be liking it a minute ago.

"Luke's my best friend and he really likes you" Zach explained.

I looked at him seriously.

"And how do you feel, Zach?" I asked him, looking down on him because I was still on his lap.

"How I feel doesn't matter" He said firmly.

I slid off his lap and opened the passenger door. I started to get out when he spoke again.

"Please Lila, you're just in a weird place because you're mad at Luke" He said, but I knew he didn't fully believe it, "Let's just forget about this"

"Okay" I said numbly, "I'll see you tomorrow then"

I shut the passenger door behind me, and watched him drive down the block to his house.

I felt miserable.

Stupid stupid stupid me.

What type of person does stuff like that?

And the worst part is, I felt something. For Zach.

After an hour of thinking this through over and over and over again, I decided that I only kissed Zach because he's hot, and I was mad at Luke. It meant nothing. Luke likes me and I like him and that's the end of that.

I ended up accidentally drifting off while thinking about it.

When I woke up, it was already 12:30 am. Shit! Why do I always do this? No way am I going to be able to sleep again for a while after this stupid nap.

I never learn.

I wandered downstairs and grabbed a cup of iced coffee. I picked up a fuzzy blanket from the couch and brought it back upstairs to my room with me.

I clicked on the home button of my iPhone and I had a missed call and voice mail from Luke. I smiled, glad to see it was the right guy, and went to listen to his apology.

You have one new voice message. The voice message is...

A lot of rustling was all I heard. It sounded like a pocket dial, and I was just about to delete it when I heard a moan.

"Fuck, Kat" Luke said, voice coming out crackly through the phone, "You're so good"

More rustling.

"Uh yeah, right there" I heard a slightly familiar female voice moan. Kat.

More rustling and shaking.

I knew I should hang up, but I couldn't bring myself to. By this point tears were running down my face.

"Oh yeah, keep going" Luke grunted.

More rustling of course, and heavy breathing, and a few moans from Kat.

"Luke" She screamed out.

Less rustling.

"Kat, that was amazing" Luke said.

"The night's not over yet, baby" Kat said.

I suddenly couldn't listen to any more. I was already covered in tears, vision blurry.

I hit a button on my phone.

Message saved. End of new messages.

I had a feeling I'd need to keep it.

I cried so hard, that eventually I even managed to fall back asleep. So, I guess one good thing came from that.

(Author's note- Let me start off by saying 9 votes? On my story? i never imagined that this story would get any votes and now it has 9 so thank you so much for reading and voting it seriously makes me beyond happy! so? are you surprised? or did ya see it coming? no pun intended. there's only 4 more chapters so that's exciting! love love love you alll! x)

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