[10] Luke

483 27 2

Lila keeps smiling at Zach in this secretive way.

You might think I'm being crazy or jealous and maybe I am, but everytime I'm with the two of them, they seem like they're having weird secret eye conversations.

And I totally hate it.

In addition to that, everytime I try to hang out with Lila alone, she invites Zach along. He always says yes because we're his two best friends.

I should probably ask him to just say no one day so we can have some alone time, but to be honest, I'm feeling pretty bitter towards the two of them right now anyway.

The three of us were sitting on the beach again, just like we do several times a week. Lila was wearing a sky blue bikini and white raybans, while Zach was wearing a striped bathing suit and black raybans. They were arguing over the best way to build a sand castle. Today I didn't really find it as amusing as I usually did.

"I'm gonna go get a drink, do either of you want something?" I asked them.

Please come with me Lila. Please come with me Lila. Please. Pleaaaase.

"Yeah actually, I'll come with you" She said, "Hey Zach, do you want anything?"

"No thanks babe" He winked, laying back on his towel.

I hated when he called her babe, but I was too happy that she was coming with me to get a drink to even care that much. I guess my mental messages worked.

We approached the little beat up snack bar, and waited for an employee to come out. They didn't do that much buisness to be honest, just drinks. No one really wanted their food. Though their nachos were fantastic.

"I'll have a bottle of water please" Lila said.

I gaped at the girl who was working there as she handed Lila her bottle.

"Luke?" She said, squinting at me.

"Kat" I said stonily.

Lila's face turned into a mask of shock as she recognized the name.

"Can we please talk?" Kat asked.

"No" I said shortly.

"Please, Luke, it's been over a year" She begged.

Kat had been accepted into an exclusive drama school for the last two years of high school. I knew that when we were dating too, since she found out during our 'relationship'. So I hadn't seen her since our break up.

"I uh, am gonna go back to find Zach" Lila said awkwardly.

"I'll see you in a few" I said, grabbing her and kissing her briefly.

I know that wasn't how I wanted our next kiss to go but her face didn't change at all as she walked out of the shack.

"What do you even want, Kat?" I asked.

"I want to apologize, seriously" Kat said, running her fingers through her silky blonde hair, "I was so stupid to not call off the bet"

"Yeah you were" I said sharply.

"I know" She said, ocean blue eyes widening, "I really really loved you Luke. So much it hurt"

"You weren't the one who our love hurt, Kat" I said.

"That's just not true" She sighed, "I know I was the one wrong, but we both were hurt, you were the only guy I ever loved"

"Look I-" I started, but another customer walked in.

She stared at me, and I started back, not sure what to do.

"This is on me" She said, handing me a bottle of coke, "And please, let's meet up later, okay?"

"I'll think about it" I shrugged.

"Well, you know my number" She said seriously, "Please use it"

I exited the snack stand, and she went to take the next people's orders. I found my way back to Zach and Lila.

"C'mon Lila, I'll give you fifty dollars!" Zach tried.

"No I'm not eating seaweed out of the ocean!" Lila laughed, "That's just gross"

They both laughed a little, and fell silent when I came back over there.

"What did Kat want?" Zach asked.

"To apologize" I shrugged.

Before I could sit back down, Lila excused us away from Zach and dragged me away, towards the waterfront.

I usually would be thrilled to be alone with her, but I had a feeling I was in trouble.

"What you did back there wasn't okay" She said firmly.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You kissed me to make Kat jealous" She said irritated.

"How do you know I didn't just want to kiss you?" I asked, even though I knew she was right.

"Because Luke, you kissed me one time when we were alone and it was all romantic and passionate, but that was a couple weeks ago now and I have no doubt if you wanted to just start kissing like that in public you would've done it before now" She snapped.

"Lila" I started.

"No" She shook her head, "Let's just go"

We walked back to where Zach was sitting.

"I think I'm gonna call it a day" She said, "Zach can you take me home?"

"I can take you" I offered.

Lila shot Zach a look.

"It's fine, I got it" Zach said, "She lives on my block. See you later man"

They left, and as I gathered up my stuff to do the same, I thought about what Kat said. 

With Lila mad at me, I decided I had nothing to lose from calling Kat and listening to what she had to say.

So, I did.

Ring. Ring.

"I have to admit, I'm surprised you called" She answered.

"Yeah, so am I" I admitted nervously.

"Come over, and I'll explain everything" She said.

"Okay" I shrugged.

I have nothing to lose.

(Author's note- duh duh duh, how do we think that Luke's talk with Kat is going to go? Hmmm? Well, I know the answer to that already(; I can't thank you guys enough for voting on this story, I know 6 may not seem like a lot to most of you but to me it means everything so thanks so much! Hope you continue reading!)

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