You Get Your Period With Him

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     Liam: You and Liam are out to dinner and you feel a familiar stab in your lower abdomen. 

     " Shit " you mutter under your breath not realizing that it was loud enough for Liam to here.

    " Hey Y/N you ok?" he said with a worried expression on his face.

    " Yeah I'm fine I just need to go to the loo." you said, with that you got up and ran to the bathroom. You sat down on the toilet and pulled down your panties only to see that they now looked like someone was killed in them. You opened your purse and realized that you had no supplies you felt like crying because you had ruined your perfect date with Liam and since you were on your period you started to cry, your make up smearing down your face.

     All of a sudden there was a knock on the door and the familiar voice of Liam.

     " Y/N, are you ok?" at that you pulled up your panties wiped your eyes and fixed your dress then opened the door. Liam's jaw dropped at the sight of your puffy bloodshot eyes and your smeared make up.

     " Y/N... Um did I do something wrong ?" 

     " Liam, you did nothing wrong I just need to go home." 

     " Y/N can you tell me whats wrong" 

     " Liam I ... Um I started my period and I don't have anything I need with me"

      His face softened and he took your hand and pulled you out of the restaurant and he too you to the car. He drove you to your shared flat took you inside. then he made sure you had everything you needed and drove to get some ice cream

     Naill: You and Niall were sitting on your couch having a movie marathon. You stood up to get more popcorn and felt something wet between your thighs.You dropped the bowl on the couch and ran to the bathroom leaving Niall confused and alone on the couch.

   You new that you had started your period so you started to search your bathroom for pads ( or tampons or a diva cup whatever you use) you came to realize that you were all out. You stuff some toilet paper in your panties and run out of the bathroom grab you purse keys and phone.

   " Bye Niall I will be back in 15 minutes" Niall looks at you very confused

   " Why are  you leaving?" he asks. His eyes show that he is sad.

   " I  have to get something from the store. I will be back soon."  you say as you open the door and walk out

  * Fifteen minutes later*

     You open the door and immediatley run to the bathroom. you close and lock the door. Soon enough you hear a soft knock on the door.

    " Hey, Princess are you ok?" Niall asks from the other side of the door

   You wash the blood off your hands and open the door.

  " Niall I am fine. I started my period and  didn't have the stuff I needed and I was embarrassed" 

  " Princess there is no need to be embarrassed"

  Harry: You were shook awake by Harry around one in the morning.

  " Harry why did you wake me?" you asked annoyed that you were woken up when you had finally gotten to sleep.

  " Kitten go take a shower" he said with soft eyes 

  " Harry its one it the morning I don't want to take a shower.

   " Love look under the covers" you did as you were told only to see that you once white sheets now looked like the Japanese flag.

   " Oh my gosh Harry I am so sorry I didn't know I had started" you managed to stutter out

   " Kitten its fine go take a shower and I will deal with the sheets" 

   Louis: You and Louis were in the pool, well you were Lou was working on his tan. You got out to poke his tattooed chest but realized you were dripping something other than water blood. 

  "CRAP"  you screamed " YOU MA'AM ARE EARLY" you yelled at your uterus then looked up to see a very confused Louis staring at you. You blushed and ran to the bathroom leaving a trail of blood Lou just thought you had gotten a cut on the concrete and ran after you to help ut when he got to the bathroom the door was locked 

  " Y/N are you ok, you are bleeding " 

  "Lou I am well aware that I am bleeding, but Louis it is not a cut. Can you run to the story and buy some * insert what  you use here*"

  " Sure love I will be back in 10 minutes"




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