He Finds Your Birthmark

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Hey I promised so I am writing. Written from the point of view of a larger girl. Sorry its so short.

Harry: You were home alone, tired as well you had just gotten back from University. You took off your shirt and unclipped your bra. You walked over to Harry's dresser and pulled out one of his white shirts and threw it on the bed. You then pulled out a pair of his boxers and threw them on the bed as well. You slipped off your pants and panties. You stood in front of the full length mirror looking at your body. You pinched your thighs and your stomach. You lifted up your arms  to see if it made your stomach any smaller. Doing this made your breasts lift up causing your dark brown birthmark to show. It was never really noticeable to Harry even when you two were having sex.  

Some one cleared their throat behind you. You screamed spun around and covered your areas. It was Harry standing in the door way looking at you with a raised eyebrow.

"What was that under your breast?" his tone evidently full jealousy.

"A love bite" you say sarcastically 

"I haven't given you a love bite there in months" 

"Yeah, I know silly. It didn't get there on its own "

"Well how did it get there then?" 

"Do you really not pay any attention to my boobs at all"

"I pay a large amount of attention to them I just had not noticed that"

"It's my birthmark you idiot"

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