You Get Pregnant (Liam)

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Liam had been away on tour for 10 months and he is finally back, and he can't keep his hands off of you. He has been home for two months now. 

  "Babe can I have a kiss pwease?" he asked in a cute little baby voice. You look up and see those brown eyes that you don't know how anyone could refuse. You walk over to him and press your lips to his. This has been going on for a few minutes and just as Liam is about to take off your shirt your stomach does a flip. You stand up and run to the bathroom. You start throwing up and Liam comes in after you. He holds your hair and rubs your back. When you are done throwing up you brush your teeth and think of all the possible reasons why you had thrown up. That is when it hit you. You push Liam out of the bathroom and grab your phone. You lockthe door cause you knew Liam would try to get in. 

   You open your period tracking app. You are a month late. How could you not notice this? You open the door and push past Liam. 

  "Babe are you ok? Are you sick? Do you need to go to a doctor?"

    "Liam I am fine. I just need to go and get something from the store."

   "Are you sure you want to go to the store after you just threw up? Can I come with you to make sure you are ok?"

   "No Liam this is something I need to do alone." you state a little to harshly and see Liams eyes show a little hurt.

  "Ok." he shifted umcomfortably

 *At The Store*

  You pull your hood up and run into the pharmacy. You immediately run to the feminine isle. You check out and race home. When you get home Liam is sitting on the couch with a worried look on his face. 

  "Liam everything is ok. You did nothing wrong. I just have to go to the bathroom. I will be out in 20 minutes." with that you rush you to the bathroom. You sit down and take all three tests. 3 minutes later you look over at the counter and there they are all lined up in a neat row with pink little plus signs. 

  "AAAAAAAAA" you shriek because you were excited and worried that Liam would want a divorce. As soon as Liam heard you scream he was outside the bathroom door banging.

  "Y/N are you ok? Whats wrong?" yo open the door and hide the tests behind your back. Liam you might want to take a seat"

  "Ok, but Y/N you are worrying me. please don't break up with me" Liam said with tears in his eyes

   "Liam I amnot breaking up with you even though you might."

   "Why would I leave you Y/N? I love you"

  "Liam I am pregnant" you stated quickly. All the color left Liams face and he was silent. " It's ok you can leave." Liam stood up quickly and pressed his lips to yours his were salty with tears.

  "I am going to be a dad!!!!!" 

   "So you are not going to leave me?"

  "Don't ever think I would leave you"




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