He has A Wet Dream About You

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Louis: You were sitting in your bed with Louis asleep next to you. You were reading a book when Louis started to move around allot.

   "Louis are you ok?" there was no response from Louis. He just started softly moaning.

   "Louis?" nothing he just continued moaning. You realized what was going on as soon as he said your name.

    "Y/N you are sooo tight. You are so good." you pull down the covers to see he is uncomfortably hard. The tent was extremely tight. You pull off his boxers to make him more comfortable. You roll over to get back to your book when Louis awoke. 

  "Why are my boxers off?"

  "Um well... you were having a dream and your boxers got really tight so I decided to release it to make you more comfortable" You then inhaled really quickly hoping you said that fast enough so he didn't understand what you just said.

   "Are you sure you didn't just want to see my hard on."

  "I am sure because right ow all I want to do is sleep."

   "You are just going to leave me hanging?" he asked

   "First of all nothing is hanging and second of all yep." you said and wit that you rolled over and fell asleep.

  *Next Morning*

   "Y/N wake up!" Louis was yelling at you and trying to shake you awake.

   "What do you want now Louis?"

   " Well you have to be punished for what you did to me last night!" he said with a smirk

  Liam:  You felt Liam tense up beside you, but you thought nothing of it until he started pushing his hips up in the air.

  "Who made you this wet." he asked to no one

   "OOH" you say out loud because you know what is happening. He was having a wet dream. You rolled over and tried to go back to sleep but Liam kept moving with such a force that you couldn't and his moans were quite loud.

  All of a sudden Liam shot straight up and ran to the bathroom. You go tup and walked over to the bathroom and knocked

  "Li Li are you ok in there?"

 "Yep I will be out in a minute." he said so you walked back over to the bed and laid down. Liam's side was wet and you knew why. You go up and stripped the sheets and was just about to put them in the dirty laundry when Liam walked out of the bathroom. His cheeks turning a dark crimson.

  "Was it that bad?" he asked in a small embarrassed voice.

  "Sweetie are you embarrassed, it happens to everyone it is not out of the ordinary. We just might want to start putting water proof matress covers on the bed."

  "Please don't joke about it  it makes me feel like a little kid who only gets some in his dreams."

  "Liam you are far from that little kid." you had just finished making the bed. "Now come snuggle with me" Liam walked over to the bed but had other plans in mind.

Niall: You heard Niall groaning next to you, just as you were about to fall asleep.

  "Ni are you ok?" you ask but but get no response but lots more groaning and then some moaning.

 "Only I can make you feel this good, am I right because if I AM WRONG WE  NEED TO TALK" you jolted upright at Niall's sudden sleep outburst and so did he.

  "Ni are you okay you are drenched in sweat and you were yelling in your sleep?"

  "I am fine I just had a dream were we where you know doing it and you started moaning some name  that was not mine.Y/N are you cheating on me?"

  "Niall I am not cheating on you nor will I ever cheat on you I love you so much and I can't imagine a life without you."

  "Thanks babe. In my dream I thought you didn't love me anymore."

  "Nialler I love more then you can imagine and If you would like I could show you how much I love you"

 Harry: You knew Harry went to bed horny and so did you but you both wanted the other one to act on it niether of you did anything.  You were struggling to sleep fall asleep because Harry was thrashing around on the other side of the bed.

  "Y/N" Harry said

  "Yeah Harry"

  "Oh my god Y/N" he yelled this time

  "Harry are you okay you are scaring me?"

  "Right there Y/N" he yelled again and then it clicked he was having a dream about you and it seemed like a good one at that.

   You rolled over and started pulling his boxers down when all of a sudden they were soaked. You knew exactly what had happened and you rolled over and started cracking up. Your laughing woke Harry up.

  "What are you laughing at?" you could not respond

  "Babe what are you laughing at" he asked again "Babe why are my boxers amost off and why are they wet"

  "You had a dream about me. I was just about to take your boxers off when you came. It was so funny. Just the idea of me made you come"

  "Babe stop laughing at me and make my dream come true."

hope you liked it please comment and vote . Love you all lots.

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