Breastfeeding (Niall)

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It had been 6 weeks since you had your lovely son Sean. He is a beautiful brunete with the prettiest blue eyes you have ever seen. And he loved to breastfeed. He had this thing against bottle feeding. He would only drink it if it was straight from the source. You were sitting on your bed with Niall when you heard crying coming from the nursery. You quickly stood up and rushed out of the room removing your shirt in the proccess. Niall rushed after you eyes widening and darkening with the lust of seeing you topless. You grabbed your son out of the crib and brought him up to your nipple whilst sitting down. 

   "He is a lucky boy" Niall stated looking at you but not your eyes.

   "He is. Because he has the best dad anyone could ask for." 

    "Well thanks but that is not what I was thinking about."

   "Well then what do you mean?" you asked 

    "Well, he gets constant access to the best boobs ever, but I have not been allowed anywhere near them."

   "Niall, are you jealous of your month old baby because the only appreciation he has for these is the fact that they bring him food and that they are attached to me. But Niall you have so much more appretiation for them than little Seanie boy here" you coo staring down at your darling little boy who has fallen asleep at your breast.

   "Yes I am a little jealous because I used to get all day access to them now I haven't even seen you fully naked in 3 months. Whenever you change you change in the bathroom. When you shower you lock the door. Y/N you never used to do these things. Why do you do them now?"

  You set Sean down in his crib and look over at Niall.

   "Because Niall I am fat. I thought that after giving birth that I would stop feeling like a whale but I haven't. The reason for hiding my body is because I think it would turn you off and make you feel uncomfortable."

    "Y/N why would you think these things matter. I love your body because in it is the best personality ever. I love your breasts and your stomach. I love leaving marks on these places, because mine and like I am with my food I do not share" at this point you were crying because those were the words that you had been waiting to hear.

   "Y/N kiss me please. And let me show you that no matter what you look like I will always love your body. Every inch of it. Because I love you inside and out!"

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