Breastfeeding (Louis)

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You and Louis had a beautiful baby girl. The only thing that he had to get used to was the fact that you would breastfeed in public. He had an issue with it because he wanted to be the only one who saw your boobs.

  You were sitting on the edge of a fountain in the mall when Christine your baby started crying. Louis was off getting food so you pulled your shirt down a little and let her start nursing. It had been around 5 minutes of this when some men started to stare at you. Well not you your boobs. They started to walk over to you and then they made a little semi circle in front of you like a little audience. You didn't really care because they were not touching you. They started whispering and then they walked over to trapping you between them and the water. 

  "Hello" you snap harshly

   "Hi sugar tits why don't you put the baby down so I can do that to you"

    "What did you just say to my girlfriend and the mother of my child. I am very protective over what is mine and those two are mine and the way you just talked to her is a good damn reason for me to whip your fucking ass."

   "Oh it is the famous Louis Tomlinson from One Direction" he snapped "I am a grown man and I know your name that can't be good" Louis was not listening he was thinking if he take on these three guys that were still standing around you. You couldn't see Louis and you were scared out of your mind. All of a sudden one man fell to the ground with blood puddling around him. The next took a kick to the groin and a right hook to the jaw. The last took right crossed in the jaw with a knock out blow to the temple.

  "Oh my god" you screamed tears were now streaming down your face. Louis ran over to you picked you up. You were still holding the baby and ran out to the car. 

   "Please don't breastfeed in public anymore. I want those two babies to only be mine. I don't even really like sharing them with Christine."

  "Louis I promise I wont do it in public again and these babies are yours she is just borrowing them for a little."

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