You Get Pregnant (harry)

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His P.O.V

Harry:  Y/N has been throwing up for the past two days. She wont talk to me about it and she keeps leaving the house in the morning not telling me were she is going. 

   "Y/N, please go to a doctor your are clearly sick and you are always going out." I said not wanting not say the question that comes next because Y/N and I have been married for 3 years. "Are you cheating on me."

   At this point Y/N runs out of the room with a mix of gagging and sobbing. I follow her to the bathroom were she is heaving.  Once she stops she wipes her mouth and looks up at me still crying.

   "Harry I am pregnant." she stuttered "The reason I have been going out all the time is because I have lots of appointments for the child to make sure it is ok. My family has a history of birth deffects." 

   At this point I was crying too. I pulled her into my chest to let her know that it was ok.

    "Y/N why didn't you tell me you were pregnant, this is great" I stated with joy in my voice 

   "Because I didn't know if I could go through another situation like I did with my brother. Seeing someone I love so much struggle with something like this hurts more than you think, Harry" she said through her sobs

   "Baby It's ok I will love the child no matter what! And I will love you no matter what" I leaned down and kissed her stomach 

  *9 months later*

   Y/N was lying in the bed completely awake eve though she spent the last day an day half in labor. The nurse walked into the room holding a bundle that was crying at the top of it's lungs.

  "Mr. and Mrs.Styles, her is your beautiful healthy baby girl." The nurse says. Y/N's body clearly relaxed in the bed. All she could do was hold out her arms and embrace the small bundle" 

   "Lets name her Darcy" she stated using all her strength


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