Breastfeeding (Harry)

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       Your shirt is pulled down low exposing your two quite swollen breasts. You brought your precious  daughter up to your nipple. She started started sucking happily. You screeched a little as her gums tightened around my areola. The front door opened and I was sitting in the in the living room right next to the front door. Darcy wasn't finished drinking and you thought it was only Harry so you didn't bother stopping her from drinking snd pulling my shirt up.

   "Hey honey, I'm home and I brought the lads over"

   "In the living room. Don't look, please"  It was too late all four heads turned and saw you breastfeeding. Liam and Nialls heads quickly turned but Louis acted like nothing was different and came in and sat next to you. You just sat there stunned at his reaction but still nursing. 

   " LOUIS, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?" Harry yelled startling Darcy making her clamp down.  I threw my head back and screamed. Causing everyones eyes on you. 

  " Babe whats wrong?" Harry asked quite worried. Darcy let go so you pulled up your shirt and started whimpering because of your still sore nipple.

   "Darcy clamped down on my nipple" you stated like harry was the only one there and started burping Darcy.

  "I am so sorry" Harry responded quickly before continueing to yell at Louis "Man you act like it's nothing did you think for a second that maybe she doesn't want you seeing here half naked, because I surely do not want you seeing her half naked"

  " I am sorry Y/N but I must have gotten used to it because of walking in an my mom breastfeeding" 

   " It's ok Louis. But I am going upstairs have fun." you stood up walked upstairs put Darcy down. You stepped outside to see Harry leaning against the wall. "Why aren't you down with the boys?"

    "I sent them home. How are you feeling." 

    "Sore" was all you could say before being pulled into a passionate kiss filled with longing for something you have not done since you found out you were pregnant.

   You pushed away."Lets wait till she is fully asleep"

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