Another Boy Says Something Sexual About You (His P.O.V)

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Harry: Y/N was swimming in our pool. The boys were over and we are all just hanging out. Y/N was wearing her favorite swimsuit, it hugged her curves perfectly and had a great V-neck with a keyhole in between her breasts. She looked extremely beautiful and I was slightly turned on, but the boys were there so I couldn't do anything. I think the boys saw I was zoned out and started talking about something else. I finally came back to reality just to hear Liam say

"Y/N is super fucking hot, I would love to just destroy her" 

"What the fuck man that is my girlfriend you are talking about"  I shouted

"Oh shit, I thought you were zoned out because you weren't responding to anything we said"

"Oh so that gives you the fucking right to talk about my girlfriend, never mind that you just shouldn't talk about a women like that"

"Man, chill out, it's not that big of a deal"

"How would you react if talked about your girlfriend that way"

"Okay, fine Harry you make a solid point" Liam mumbled 

"It's okay but if I ever hear you talk that way about Y/N I will tear your throat out, got it" 

Liam gulped "Yup"

That is when Y/N came over and sat on my lap getting me all wet

"Kitten you're soaked and you're getting me all wet"

"Sorry" Y/N said without standing up

Liam: We were all at a club and Y/N was wearing her favorite curve hugging dress and dancing. Louis and I were sitting at the bar watching the people on the dance floor, actually I was watching to make sure no one was hitting on Y/N.

"Damn, Y/N could be a stripper" my head whipped to look at him and saw him wide eyed with a had over my mouth then back to Y/N who was dancing normally and nothing like a stripper. She was hopping around to the song that was currently playing which happened to be her favorite song. 

"The fuck did you just say about my girl" 

"Nothing" he responded quickly 

"Really because I thought I heard you compare my girlfriend to a stripper, I mean I have nothing against strippers but I don't like the woman I love being compared to one"

"Sorry it just kind of slipped out" 

"Well maybe next time you should try and hold it back" 

Louis: She came to one of our concerts and she was front row. There seemed to be a male fan there alone next to Y/N. We were in the middle of a song when I saw the guy talking to Y/N and getting progressively  closer to her. I started walking to that side of the stage to see what was happening when I heard him say something that made my blood boil, I don't know how I heard him but I did.

"You have awesome tits, like damn girl" well first off Y/N punched him in the face but I was still pissed, so I leaned down to a security member and told him to bring the guy back after the concert. 

The concert had just ended and I was heading backstage. Y/N was standing there waiting for me and she looked unhappy. 

"Baby, I heard what that guy said to you, I am so sorry" I wrapped her in a hug, she buried her face in my neck when I say the guy waiting backstage. I lightly pushed Y/N off of me and went over to him.

"You shouldn't talk about women like that, and if I ever see you again and you still act the same way I will not hesitate to punch you the face just like my badass girlfriend did earlier."

Niall: Y/N and I were at a pool. I was walking to get us some drinks, but on my way back I passed a group[ of guys just staring at Y/N. 

"HOT, guys look at that girls ass, I call dibs" one said 

"She is smokin'" another chimed in

"I know isn't she sexy" all the boys turned to me surprised by my sudden appearance. 

"Hey dude back off I called dibs"

"You know what else she is, MY GIRLFRIEND! So how bout you back the hell off" I said and walked back over to Y/N. I set our drinks down on the table and leaned down to kiss her which quickly turned heated. I knew those boys were watching so I suck my middle finger up behind my back.

Hop you guys enjoyedxxxxxxxx

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