He Gets Jealous of Your best Guy Friend (harry)

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His P.O.V  Y/BGF/N= your best guy friends name

    Harry: I walked into the house Y/N and I shared only to find that she was on the couch snuggled up and sleep next to Y/BGF/N. I cleared my throat and she woke up and looked up at me. she stood up and ran in to my arms hugging me tight. I leaned down so i could whisper in her ear

   " Why is he here" I asked

   " Harry" she said poking my chest " I got lonely so 'he' came to keep me company"

   Y/BGF/N stood up "Bye Y/N bye Harry" he said hugging Y/N and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

   As  soon as he left I snapped " I don't like you seeing him when I am not here. And why did he give you a kiss on the cheek"

 " Why don't you like me seeing him when you are not here are you jealous?" 

  " No" 

  " Cause me thinks you are" she said poking me in the butterfly

  " Ok yes I am jealous. But you now why, because you are beautiful and all men want you. And when if you were with him you wouldn't get hate and you could have a normal life" I stated 

 " Haz yes I love him" she said. My eyes start to water " But as brother not like I love you" 

   I realized she had been teasing me and picked her up bridal style and walked to the bedroom.

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