He Gets Jealous Of Your Best Guy Friend ( Louis)

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Louis P.O.V  Y/BGF/N=Your Best Guy Friends Name 

  Louis: Y/BGF/N, Y/N, and I were sitting on the couch watching DOCTOR WHO!!! Y/N was in the middle between us. She was snuggled into my side with her head on my shoulder. I didn't really like Y/BGF/N because he was always all touchy feely with Y/N and I felt like he was always trying to get into Y/N panties(which by the way are an amazing lacy wonderland). 

   Y/N starts squirming into my side. 

   "Carrot are you ok? You are acting very uncomfortable." Y/N shook her head like she was fine but I knew something was up. I leaned down to whisper in her ear.

   "Sweetie I know when something is up you can tell me anything" my hands flicked down to her lap where here hands were when I noticed there was a third hand that was not hers or mine it was Y/BGF/N. I watched to see what he did next and how Y/N reacted to his hand being there. She continued to squirm and wiggle her leg trying to get his strong hand off of her. But it started movie dramatically towards her womanhood.

    "I am sorry but I am the only person with a penis to put there hands anywhere around Y/N thighs and or vagina. So get your filthy hands of of what is mine." I yelled right in his face

   "I am sorry but why don't we let Y/N decide which man she wants" He stood up just like I had.

   "I am sorry, Y/BGF/N but I chose the man I love and that would care about my consent and not just put there hand on my thigh." Y/N said in a firm voice \

   He stood up quickly and walked straight out. I walked over to the door and yelled at him.

" And don't bother coming back"

   I walked back over to Y/N.

   "May I kiss you now?" 


   I leaned my head down and softly touched my lips to hers.

  "Nobody touches what is mine!"

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