Chapter 26

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Two days. Two days since Marvel’s cannon boomed, since he caressed my face, since his eyes watered, since I last saw his grin, since he told me he loved me and will still love me, forever.

The wait is unbearable. I waited for parachutes on the first night, but as time stretches, I only wait for one thing. To die. To die and be at peace. Any kind of death. Another tribute, landslide, poison, mutts, anything.  

Everything around me is in gray and black. All I eat is the food I have in my pack, which is slowly lessening, and so is my hope. They had given an announcement, they allowed two victors for this year, as long as they are from the same district. Maybe it’s because of Fire girl and her lover boy. Why not us? Why let Marvel die?

The afternoon heats me up a little extra, and I decided to hike down and get a drink. Suddenly, the booming voice of Claudius Templesmith rings around the woods.

“Tonight, there will be a feast. Now, hold on. Some of you may already be declining my invitation. But each of you needs something desperately. Each of you will find that in your backpacks in the Feast at the Cornucopia. For some of you, this could be your last chance.”

What I need desperately? Marvel.

And food. And maybe, weapons.

I take a detour and get my remaining possessions. I hike back towards the Cornucopia, hoping to reach it by dawn.


I crouch down a tall bush, concealed by its greenery. The tables are beside the cornucopia. It’s now or never. I decided earlier that my plan is to be ahead, because I know that they will just wait on each other, and I stand no chance against the remaining tributes.

I take off, not bothering to be seen, using my advantage of speed. I neared towards the table. District 2 and District 11’s packs are very big, while 12’s is very tiny. Mine is just alright. I feel the metal clinging, jackpot. I run as fast as I can, my heartbeat rapidly beating. What if Clove’s knife drives through my skull? Or Katniss’ arrow punctures my heart? Or Cato’s sword in my back? Or Thresh might appear any moment….

But fortunately, I reach the woods safely. I double check on my surroundings, and climb a tree. At the second branch, I sit and open my pack.

Good enough, it is filled with jerky, fruits, and a bottle full of water. I also got 4 small knives, very useful. The thought of dying was erased, filled with serene confidence. I may actually have a chance.

What had happened to the feast? I never did looked back, so I don’t know who’s fighting who, I just heard metal and shouting. I set camp down the tree, concealed by its fellow plants. I can’t believe I did it, running down the open, not caring. Maybe I’m not as vulnerable as I think. Maybe Marvel is right, maybe I can win this. And I will do it for him, because he believed in me. And with that thought, I dozed away, to dreamland, where none of this is real.

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