Chapter 4

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“Emilia Sponter!”

I clenched my fist. I can never asses what just happened. A weak step sprung me from the crowd. Kids gave way for me, and the Peacekeepers harshly pushed one kid just to get to me. My trembling knees and cold hands signified my nervousness. This is it. My door to damnation.

“Ooohh, what a beauty we have here! You have a wonderful name, and a wonderful face.” Ilignma said in a hushed tone, as I make my way into the stage.

The crowd murmured, as if it’s just now they saw how pretty I was, that they needed a Capitol resident to decide it. I acted strong, but inside I’m already dying. I extended my eyesight to the very back of the lines, and saw Suezette, her eyes drenched in tears. I mouthed the words ‘I’ll be okay.’

“And for the men,” Ilignma said

All the boys held their breath.

“Blaron Kift!”

Blaron? I never heard his name. In fact I have never seen him. He has dark skin, but not black, black eyes, black hair, tall height. I can tell he works in the Solaria, he has big built. I looked at him. He walked carefully, with great confidence, and you can mistake him from a career. He proudly walked up the stage, full of smug. I disliked him the moment he smirked at me and looked at me with a hint of mock.

The ceremony was short, and brief, as we were led by the Peacekeepers inside the Justice Building, Suezette rushed in my room. She hugged me so tight, I felt I was choking.

“Oh my god. This is not happening.” She managed to say.

“It already is. Listen. Take care of the house for me okay.”

“What’s the point of the house if you’re not there.”

She held me tightly in her arms, I felt like the child who lost both parents. Afraid. Unsure. Unsafe. We cried our eyes out, and after what seemed like eternity, they pulled her out.

“I love you Emi! Don’t forget!”

“I know!”

Another visitor arrived. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Marvel’s father.

“Good luck.” He said. He usually has a loud, low voice, like thunder, but now he has this really soft voice. I can feel love in it.

“Thanks.” Was all I managed to reply. I was so shocked to see him visit me in my final hours in District 5. Suddenly, he did the unthinkable.

He hugged me.

I felt tears streaming down his face.

“You’re the only connection that exists between me and Marvel, and now you’re leaving too.”

I never figured out how important I was to him

“You should win, Emilia, win for me and Marvel.”

“Yes.” I replied before the Peacekeepers pulled him away from me.

I wiped my tears and waited for the peacekeepers’ signal.

Ilignma, who’s brightly smiling at me, called out.

“Emilia, time to go!”

I ran in her direction. And we boarded the train to Capitol. I was so exhausted. The first thing I did was to rush to my room. Ilignma called me to come to the dining, but I didn’t mind her. All I want to do is bathe and scrub all the bad vibes out my body. The water was warm, and the towels were not grainy. It’s really luxurious here. I think I’m going to love this train.

“Emilia Sponter out now!” Chriva hollered.

I was in the middle of putting on clothes provided in the train. Soft cotton clothed my body. It was the softest nightgown I found in the drawer. I quickly put it on and ran out, not bothering to comb my hair. When I walked in, every eye was staring at my direction.

“What?” I harshly asked as I sat next to Blaron.

“Oh dear Emilia, isn’t it too early for bed time?” Ilignma chirped.

“Emilia, I don’t want you disobeying schedules. First things first. What do you do best?” Chriva, our mentor, said.

“I can do a lot of things. I can do hand to hand combat. Or kill people with knives and fire and I can run fast.” Said Blaron. Such a show off.

“Great. You need to be determined to win, and I like your attitude already. How about you?” Chriva said, facing me.

“I can make bracelets.” I answered.

They all laughed in chorus.

“How can your bracelets save you in the games?” hissed Blaron.

“Well, I can do nothing.”

“Well, then you should learn doing something so you could win.” Chriva said. “Try reviewing the past Hunger Games. Pick your favorite victor. Try to get points from that victor.”

The lunch bell rang. At last! I am free from shame!

Lunch was okay, the servants were nice and served a lot of food, ranging from soups to meat and fish to cakes, I filled my plate with mushroom-crab soup, roasted beef, four pieces wheat bread, and a slice of egg pie.

“Not too much, ginger, you might choke and die a bit earlier.” says Blaron, squinting his eyes at me.

“Shut it, Kift. I’ll bet you’ll die on the first day, your ego won’t let you win” He was getting on my nerves, and I never knew I could say such things. Before I know it, Blaron was standing, got a bowl of sweet bean soup, and smashed it in the table.

“Shut it? You shut it? You’ll die when the canon boomed, because you’re nothing but a stupid weakling, whose parents died and left with an equally clueless sister. Poor ginger.”

The soup was hot and it burned my hand, but my temper was hotter. I slapped Blaron, and didn’t even look at Ilignma, who was too shocked to speak, and Chriva, who was scolding Blaron. I don’t want to be killed by Blaron on the spot, so I just left them there, bewildered.

I ran to my room and slammed the door shut. I locked it and lied face down. I cried and screamed and kicked till I was exhausted. In a time I needed someone, I am alone, with a crazy colored Capitol citizen who smiled wildly as she picked my name, a hot headed woman who will be our mentor, and a proud bully who will even try to kill me later on, in one train. What more can happen?

I maybe cried myself to sleep, because I woke up with my pillow warm and moist. I looked out the window. I think we’re in a tunnel or something because everything was blank. And for a moment I saw light. And I figured everything out. We were already at the Capitol. 

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