Chpt. 43 - Run Way Mayhem

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so I'm kinda sad that the story isn't getting many reads 😶 but I'm so very very great full for those who do! Please keep voting and commenting !


I stared  down at my finger in disbelief, a simple diamond ring represents so many things. It shows that me and Niall are ready to spend the rest of our lives together  and it also shows us coming together as a family. I took a picture of what I was seeing, I was sat down with my ring hand out but you could also see beeboo's tiny tiny bump. 

( throw back to the night )

Once Niall had proposed to me I stayed on stage with the boys for 3 songs until they had finished their set then we all went back stage and everyone showered us in congratulations.


"what!" he shouted running into the room from the shower with only a towel on. Panic was evidence in his actions.

"ALL OF ALL TIME LOW TWEETED ME!" I still shouted even though he was in the room. He let out a sigh of relief and walked over to me.

"babe you scared me" he said coming in for a hug and I could feel his rapid heart beat against my chest.

"I'm sorry" I said trying really hard to sound calm but I had been a fan of these dudes for years, you can hardly judge an hormonal pregnant woman.
Niall noticed and asked me

"so what did they say!" I smiled so hard as I showed him the screen.

'@AlexAllTimeLow: Congrats to @NiallOfficial and @piercethe_grace ! you did a good job bro!'

'@JackAllTimeLow: FAN GIRLING SO HARD RIGHT NOW. This is all time goals ! @NiallOfficial and @PierceThe_grace'

'@riandawson: FINALLY OUR SONGS COME TO SOME USE! congrats guys❤️ @piercethe_veil and @NiallOfficial'

'@zackalltimelow: all the best guys! if you ever need a baby sitter I'm here 😉 @niallofficial and @piercethe_grace'

"omg omg omg they know you!" Niall mocked me running on the spot flapping his hands around everywhere. I pouted and hit is arm.

"fine then I'll just go and tell Harry the news" I said and walked into Harry's room.  I could hear him laughing as I walked out so I flipped him off.

"HAZZA DAZZA" I screamed walking into the room with out knocking, I swear I'm a big child..... holding an child.

"WHATTTTTTTTTT" he said back flopping down on the couch next to me.

back to present time

Today we were due to go back to London for the boys to do TV appearances and it also happens to slot into my fashion week. If I'm being honest... I'm completely shitting it.

what if a dress unstitches? what if it doesn't fit the model? what if no one likes it?

I asked in my head over and over but obviously I never when Zayn answered me.

"love your gonna do fine! and if we have too we'll model for you" he said smiling while trying to pose like a model. I let out a breath of air

"yeah I suppose"

"what you guys talking about?" Louis asked walking into the back of the bus.

Girl Almighty - Niall HoranDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora