Chpt 7 - 'We Look Like A Couple'

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Chpt. 7 -
The next morning was a manic rush, both me and Niall were running around the house like a wild fire making sure I had packed everything. Niall never unpacked to be fair so he had nothing to panic about were as I had to make sure I had everything since I was never coming back here. While walking towards the taxi Niall done a quick checklist.


"Washing shit"
"Aha check"

"Bed covers that you won't need?"
"You never know"

"Check mate"

"Really Niall?! Is that really all you could think of?"
" as you once said ' you never know' "

He said quoting my previous saying

"But seriously , do you have them?"
" I'm sure there's more important questions?'
"Come on Grace, there's no secrecy in this relationship"
"Well If you must know, yes I have a box'"
"Really? one box! The last girl I had she went through one box a day"
"Yeah well, I don't"

I felt a piece of my heart ping with jealousy and hurt when he said 'the last girl I had'.
It just shows that he doesn't appreciate woman. A few days ago I believed that a lucky girl will one day be 'Niall Horans Princess' but now I'm not to sure.
The flight was long. The flight was boring and Niall was annoying. He was ordering everything off the first class menu and chatting to the woman on board. Where was I sat their doing nothing not wanting to waste any of my money on horrible airplane food.
When we finally arrived in Ireland it was almost midnight and we were 30 miles away from Mullingar and Niall said he didn't feel like driving and I still don't have a driving licence mainly because I couldn't afford the driving tests.

We decided that it would be easier to book into a hotel before the 'big family meet up' as Niall called it.
The room we checked into was a just a motorway stop over, nothing to special. Niall insisted that we went to this big swanky hotel in city that probably costs one hundred pounds a night. But I insisted a cheap Bed and Breakfast where we can sleep and freshen up in the morning.
Walking into the room there was 1 double bed....of corse there was 1 double bed!

Niall looked at me and then looked at the bed before saying

"This was your idea not mine"

" well I didn't know they would give us one bed! "

"It's common sense ! Of corse they would give us one bed! We look like a couple !"

"It's not my fault I can't afford to spend as much as you do on a hotel room!"

"Is that why you wanted to come here? Because of money? For gods sake Grace your well a were that I could pay for you!"

"But I don't want to use your money!"

"Bullshit! Everyone wants to use a One Direction members bank account!"

"No I don't! If I wanted to spend your money I would have let you pay for me and let you but me dinner on the plane!"

"Puft! Yeah right"

Wow. That long night had hit us really hard.

"Ever since Beth died you couldn't wait to get me over! It was like your mothers death was an excuse to have me! I was really starting to like you Grace, I was starting to feel different towards you."

Tears started to appear in my eyes as his words hit my chest, first about my mum which had me fumming and then he confessed he had feelings towards me.

"If your so mad about sharing a bed with me I'll just go get another room"

I picked up my bag and walked out the room making sure to shut the door with as much force as possible.
It was too late to listen to his bullshit I was already walking towards the main office.
I stepped into the elevator with my bag still sling over my shoulder and tears down my cheeks.
There was a maid next to me looking at me , deeply focusing on every inch of my face.
"Rough night?"
"Um. Er. Yeah?"
"Yeah I heard, room 56 right?"
I let out a little laugh looking down
"Not any more looking for a new room, we , erm, had a fall out"
"Like I said , I heard."
There was a long silence before she interrupted it again.
"Room 38."
"What?" I asked in confusion
"Room 38, it's free, take it. No cost just take the key and have a nights rest. "
I thanked her repeatedly before entering the room which happened to be below Nialls room. I slummed on the bed and turned on the TV and surprise, surprise One Direction was on. Great. He's everywhere.

Girl Almighty - Niall HoranDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora