Chpt. 18 - You Either Have Sex Or You Dont

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Everyone had gone upstairs to get ready for our day out which Jesy, Leigh-Anne and Louis planned last night, so no doubt it's gonna be something childish.
Me and Niall were doing the washing up with him doing the actual washing and me drying and trying to find were everything went.

"Niall, can I ask you a favor?"
I asked after putting away the bowls.

"As longs as your not asking for a shit load of money, you can ask me for anything"
"You have to promise not to tell anyone" I asked with a serious face.

"...erm, yeah I Promise?"
"Pinky promise it" I said while sticking out my pinkey waiting for him to to shake it. But instead he stared at it and then back at me

"Are you for real?" He asked cocking an eyebrow.

"Pinkey promising something is a huge deal Niall, now do it... Unless your going to break the promise ?"
"No, no, no I'm not going to break it"
"Then shake the pinkey?"
He finally gave up and shuck my small finger and then asked if I was happy before I carried on.

"So, last night-"
"-When you got everyone drunk" he said interrupting me.
"Niall shut the fuck up and listen to me, this is serious !" I said while jabbing his sides with my fingers.

"Ok, ok, ok carry on"
"Elise thinks she may have slept with Harry?"
"Well she woke up this morning with erm, no pants on and he was shirtless and the last thing she remembers is kissing him?"
"... So, what does this have to do with me?"
"Well, Elise is to scared to confront him, and I'm not going to ask him, so I was wondering if you could ask him what happened last night with him and Elise?"
"Yeah, yeah sure"
"But don't your dare make it obvious!"
"No promises babe"

Niall's P.O.V ( hah wasn't expecting that were you bitches!)
I made my way to Harry who was in his room on the end of his bed looking into the mirror doing his hair. When he noticed me approach the door way he shifted his stare away from his reflection and to me.

"You alright mate?" He asked looking back at the mirror fixing some of the loose strands.

"Yeah, yeah, just came to see if you were feeling alright after last night?" That wasn't obvious was it?

"Oh, yeah I'm fine, To be fair I worship Charlie for that stunt, made my night ten times better"
So he did shag Elise?

"How come? Aye ? What did you do last night?" I ask cocking an eyebrow and crossing my arms over my chest.

"It was just a fun night?"
Oh my god he's not making this easy !

"So their wasn't any shagging in my house last night? " I questioned now becoming very impatient.

"Well, almost ?"
"What do you mean almost? You either have sex or you don't?"
"I don't know weather you could tell but Elise was wasted and I was quite tipsy?"
"I think we all noticed" I chuckled
"Well, we made out? Gave her a hickey and shit but by time I had turned my back on her to make sure the door was close she was passed out on my bed" he laughed to him self thinking about the memory before looking at me again.
"What a cockblock" I laughed back trying to play it off cool
"Yeah I guess but I have a feeling me and Ell will get far together"
"You have nicknames all ready? "
"Not really nicknames just abbreviations, just like Charlie-Grace calls you Nia and you call her Grace?"
"I guess, but no one else is aloud to call her Grace, or I'll cut their balls off"
"Thanks for the warning mate, now fuck off so I can call my mum"
"Wow, you lil mamas boy" I cooled while walking out the door.

"GRACEEEEE" I bellowed once I was out side Harry's door probably pissing him off. There was no answer so I walked down stairs and saw Louis, Liam, Zayn and Phee talking
"Hey guys has anyone saw Grace?"
All the lads shuck their heads and carried on with what ever they were talking about.
"She's erm, in her room." She replied nervously, still not use to the fact that she was in my house.
I nodded my head in a thank you gesture before walking back up the stairs, past the spare rooms, past the lads rooms and on to our floor. I walked up to her door and knocked lightly and then asked permission to come in which she allowed.
When I walked in I could hear Good Charlotte playing and she was straightening her hair and was dressed in black ripped shorts, tights, Pretty Reckless t-shirt, a oversized denim jacket and of corse her Dr. Martins.
"Is their a day which you don't wear them?" I asked pointing to her shoes.
"I wear trainers and slippers!" She protested
"-sometimes" she added on the end very quickly and quietly obviously agreeing with my statement.

Girl Almighty - Niall HoranDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora