New life

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"Fuck" I scream as I slam the alarm clock off. I can't believe school is today I moved yesterday and I didn't want to but my fucked up dad thought it would be best. But whatever, I dragged my self up and got in the shower. I turned the water on Hot because who doesn't love that. After my shower I put my black leggings on with a pink long sleeve shirt and some boots (picture). I went to my bathroom and applied the usual concealer and mascara. I curled my hair and put the top part up, I grabbed my bag and my phone then went downstairs. I checked the time and it said 7:10am phew enough time. My school lets in at 7:45 so I have 20 minutes until the bus picks me and my brother up. He's 19 he got held back his 8th grade year, he would drive us but he lost his license and is too lazy to get a new one. I decided I would grab and apple and finish one of my books I'm almost done with. I usually never eat breakfast cause I'm never hungry and I never have time. After about 10 pages it was 7:29 and the bus was pulling up. I yelled my brothers name(Blake) and we headed out to the bus. "Today is going to be horrible" I thought to my self as I got on the bus and revived glares from all angles. I looked around for an empty seat but couldn't find one, I didn't realize I was holding up the line till some girl pushed me and I fell between the seats. I must of busted my lip cause I tasted blood in my mouth. All I heard was giggling and high fives, I don't know why they think that's such an accomplishment but they do. I quickly got up and realized EVERYONE was laughing at me, even my brother.....

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