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(2 years later)
Taylor's POV
It's been about 2 years since Madi's accident and she never recovered. I stopped visiting her after the 9 months because even the doctors said it was no use. I heard a month after I stopped visiting her she died, my dad said it was just to much for her little body. It took me at least 3 months to move on fully and try to start over. It was hard but I managed to do so. We eventually moved to California to completely start over and it helped a lot. I guess you could say I'm well known in the school haha but I'm a star lacrosse player. I gave up basketball because I found an interest in wrestling because it helps me get my anger out and plus I learn how to fight. I go to Lakewood East HighSchool, and I am now a Senior. I have pretty awesome friends and an amazing girlfriend her names Brittany! We've been together for a 1 year a 2 months, she's the best and my family loves her.
I was walking on the beech it was a beautiful day. I saw a shadow a little bit farther away from me, I had this urge to see who it is. I walked closer and it slowly disappeared. I wanted to know who that was. I shook it off and went home for dinner, I checked the time and it was 6:20pm just in time. I walked in the house and smelled pasta, "yummmm" I thought. I walked into the kitchen and my mom gave me a kiss on the cheek. My mom recovered cancer about 5 months ago, she is still growing her hair back but she is the most beautiful thing ever. After dinner I went up to my room and texted Brittany, I don't know why it felt kinda of weird. I shook it off and laid in bed and thought about that shadow, I wanted to know who that was but I doubt I'll ever see them again. I soon fell into a deep sleep.
I woke up feeling energized and great, so I made breakfast for my family and then headed to school. I went to my locker to grab my Calculus textbook and went to the 1 class. It was a boring and the usual, as soon as I knew the bell rang.
(Skipping to lunch)
I went to lunch and ate with my friends. I noticed Brittany wasn't here so I texted her 'where are you?' lunch ended and she never replied so I told my self if text her after school. in 5th period the teacher told us we would have a new student. I got happy because we could use a little change, she said they would join us in a week. I sighed and just wished today would be over already. The day went by fast, I found out the new student would be in my 2,4,5,7 class and lunch of course but who knows. So I guess I kinda have to get along with this person now. I grabbed my motorcycle and headed off home. I arrived and took the key out and went inside and it then again smelt amazing. After I finished dinner I went up stairs and took a shower. I got out and dressed then checked the time it was 10:23pm I was tired so I went to sleep and just triee to sleep off the day.
••••1 week later••••
I woke up surprised the week went by as fast as it did. Then I remembered that the new girl was coming today. I wondered what she was like? Well anyways I got dressed combed and jelled my hair, sprayed Cologne on the went down stairs. I ate some cereal and grabbed my bag then went to school. I walked into my first class bored as ever. But found out we have a test which is just great but I didn't care. The bell rang and I went to my locker, I talked to some of the guys and Brittany. Before we went off the classes Brittany gave me a kiss but before we left she whispered "please don't leave me". Then she went the other way, I was so confused what she meant. Why would I leave her? I went to Math and sat down,the bell was about to ring until she walked in. That was the girl I saw at the beech but I couldn't describe her she looked incredibly familiar. She smiled an amazing smile with a perfect set of teeth. She introduced her self "Hi I'm Madison,I'm 17 and I just moved her and it's great!" 'Madison' I thought in my mind. Something about her just made me curious and want to know more about her. Could it be? No it can't be. Can it? But She's dead.
Cliff hanger haha sorry guys! Ive been wanting to do a cliff hanger but didn't have the right time to. But hope you guys love the book and please tell your friends about me and this book. Don't forget to like and comment I would love for some help or ideas!Thanks love you guys! See ya later, Bye!!

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