Love me

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Taylor's POV
Days went by weeks! I visited her every day that I could. I felt so lost without her. My dad thinks something is wrong with me just cause I met her a month ago. Ya it's been a month!!! I am dying inside without her. She won't wake up or move, her breathing is barley going. The doctors said she should have waken up by now but she hasn't. Maybe she won't wake up, No stop thinking that Taylor! Well school ended about 10 minutes ago and guess where I'm going? The hospital, maybe today might be the day but it also could be tomorrow or 2 months from now. I pulled in to the hospital hoping today's the day, as usual I checked in and went to her room.
Madi's POV
All I saw was dark, it's like I was walking through an endless hole that kept changing. "Ahhhhhhh" I hit the bottom but it was like a white room I couldn't see anything then the room had a color. It looked like my old house when I was 8, I was looking around but when I tried to touch something my hand went through it. I was so confused and scared I just wanted Taylor. Then everything got smaller but it just wasn't the objects it was the room, it was shrinking I panicked because I didn't want to get squished. I saw the door and ran than it vanished. I heard laughing, it was my dad and Aaron they were laughing and yelling "slut" "whore" "bitch" "Go kill your self" they both said in unison. "LEAVE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!" "Hahahahaha". it faded away then I heard another noise. "Uh hey Madi" Taylor that can't be Oh my gosh that's him!! "Taylor help me I don't know where I am I- "I know you probably can't hear me but I just need you Madi, I need you now!" He started crying. "I'm right here can you not see me? Taylor I'm here where are you?" "I just need you and I know that we only talked for a little that one day-"I could tell he smiled at that memory "I just felt something a connection I never thought I would feel. But um anyways" He said rubbing his tears away. "Well uh school hasn't been the best, everyone is still the same, exempt rose. She sorta turned on half her friends and now bullies them because I guess she needed that "relief" lol idk why she's psycho". All I could hear was Taylor I couldn't see him or feel him all I did was hear. Then he said one thing that made my heart stop. "The uh doctors said that you should of been out of the coma by now. I hate to ask but can you at least try, try harder if you already are trying. But I need you soon like now would help". I couldn't believe I was in a coma. "The doctors are debating whether to keep you online support or not. I mean it's been almost 6 months, Christmas is around the corner and I think your family would want you home. At least I would." He sniffles out. All I heard was footsteps and the door shut, I think he left me. I didn't know what to do, I either wake up now and be with Taylor or stay in this coma and get taken off life support and die. I didn't know why I wasn't waking up like why was my body not doing what I wanted?!?! And did Taylor say 6 months? It's been like a week in wherever I've been. But if one week is 6 months them 2 weeks is a year!!! Oh no I need to get out of here! I can't believe he is still visiting me anyways. Everyone I knew would of probably forgot about me. But if I don't wake up soon I don't know what to do. Because all I know is I think I love Taylor Evans.
Hey guys just a little authors note! I finished at 743 words and that's awesome!! Well anyways hope you like this little cliff hanger and I'll update either tomorrow or tonight I'll let y'all know. But please like and comment and tell your friends about me and this book. Hope you guys enjoy cause I love writing for y'all! See you guys later!! Bye!!😍

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