New boy

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I grabbed my English textbook and headed to that class. I Didn't want to be late so I quickly walked. I found my seat in the back like always. Everyone found there seats and the bell rang and class began. About mid way through class there was a knock on the door and our counselor came in a new student it was a boy he looked about 5'10 which is very tall to me cause I'm well 5'2. He had a dirty blonde hair that went to the side and light blue eyes. A very broad chest and you could tell he works out. I then realized every single fucking girl was looking at him, not even looking more like drooling and mesmerized. I felt a little upset cause this guy was pretty attractive, but I have no chance no I'll just stop and do my work. He looked over at me and gave me a smile showing his perfect set of white teeth. He then started walking towards me I started getting sweaty and nervous then he turned I got sad but realized he sat right besides me in the open chair I didn't know was open till now. The counselor left and the teacher cleared her voice and said "Okay students I'm sorry for that delay in our learning, but we have a new student in our class his name Taylor Evans" The class clapped "Taylor why don't you introduce yourself". He nodded his head and spoke, " Hey guys I'm Taylor Evans I moved here from New York and I'm 16 I play basketball and lacrosse. I have 2 dogs and I am the only child." I swear I fell in love right when he said those words cause man his voice is so crisp and deep but hot and ugh I want him. I snapped out of my thought to the bell ringing. "Okay class I want pages 206-238 read and done by tomorrow and you to Taylor" she announced before she dismissed everyone. I sighed cause I didn't want to do homework but I guess my night is going to be another waste. I walked out of class and I felt a tap on my shoulder I turned around and it was Taylor. "Hey can I ask you where this class is?" He asked me looking kind of nervous. "Yeah sure, what class?" I responded back trying to sound chill. "Art with Mr.Lockett" "Hey we have the same class guess your coming with me haha." We both smiled and we walked to Art. Looks like we have English, Art, Math and Study hall together. Today wasn't turning out as bad as I thought except the whole bus incident but I don't wanna think about that.
•••••••••(Skipping to lunch)••••••
Me,Savanna, Rylee, Matt, John and Taylor sat together. Yes I have friends haha just not that many. We were sitting and the order went Me Taylor Savanna on one side and Rylee John and Matt on the other. I met them all this year and they've been awesome to me. Ever since I moved it was pretty hard trying to find friends but I did it. I was waiting for everyone else to finish eating since I don't usually eat lunch either. I told all my friends not to worry but I think they do, I just haven't told Taylor I don't eat lunch so he might think I'm trying to kill my self or something. "Why aren't you eating?" He asked sounding worried. "Oh Madi like never eats her stomach is probably the size of a peanut lol" Savanna commented. I laughed so I didn't look offended but I didn't exactly like what she said. I whispered in Taylor's ear "I'll talk to you about it in Study Hall". He gave me a half smile cause he seemed worried like he cared for me. Lunch ended soon after and we all headed different ways, these classes went by forever. I was sitting in Health them finally the bell rang and I didn't even care to listen to what homework was being assigned I just sprinted out the classroom and went to study hall. Study Hall was probably my favorite class because you don't do anything except get on your phones, read or catch up on homework or do what some people do and just talk to friends. I'll be catching up on my homework and talking to Taylor and Rylee. There both in my Study Hall but Rylee usually sits with like other people not like we aren't friends she just wants to sit with other people. I sat on the stool and Taylor came right up behind me and scared me. I jumped and screamed and everyone looked at us like we were crazy. I slapped him and told him never to do that again, he just laughed and smirked. I couldn't help but forgive him cause he's just so freaking adorable and who could ever stay mad at a guy like that? It got kind of serious and Taylor looked at me and asked "Why didn't you eat lunch today?" I looked down them back up and said "I'm never that hungry and plus I eat a big breakfast" I lied. I mean I'm never hungry I just didn't eat a big breakfast. "Hey Madi if there is anything ever going on that you want to tell me, you can trust me." I nodded my head and thought that over. Wow, someone who actually cares and wants to help me and now my problems. For a split second I didn't feel useless or not worthy and I felt like someone actually loves me.
Hey ladies and gents(if there's any guys reading this) But I hope you like this story and I'm finishing this chapter at 1000 words strong haha. Well Thank you guys and please Like and Comment any ideas and don't be afraid lol. Well goodnight and see y'all tomorrow. Bye!

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