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Madison's POV
"How are you here?" "Well after you 'died' my parents forced me out of the house because I was 'lacking'". "But why did you do this to me?" I looked at my self. "I saw what you and Taylor did!! You fucker he was supposed to be mine 2 years ago!!! You fucking stole him and I HAD HIM THEN HE LEFT FOR YOU!!!" She screamed and brought out a gun. I went into pull panic mode. "Please whatever your thinking of doing DONT! We can work this out I promise!" "Oh but honey I've already worked it out". Huh? I thought. I must of looked confused because then she brought out someone that almost killed me. Aaron. "So what've we got here? Awe little poor Madi" He said as he punched me in the jaw. "It's been 2 years since I've picked on you! Well times up and so is yours". He said as he put a blindfold on and walked away. Rose walked away also but before we went she said "Oh and don't worry about Taylor. Aaron will take care of him". She said deviously and walked away. "NOOOO HELP SOMEONE GET ME OUTTA HERE PLEASE HELPPPP!!!!!!" I started going into a panic attack I haven't had since 9. I freaked out and started kicking things and shaking. My blindfold fell around my neck and I could see where I was! But there was one little problem.... The lights were off😑
Taylor's POV
I woke up and felt bad or like something bad was either gonna happen or is happening. Then I thought of Madison and quickly shot up only to be met with Aaron Davis.
"Aaron?" I asking confused how he got here? Why he was here? If he had anything to do with Madison's disappearance? And what he wanted? "Hey buddy!" He tried acting friendly but didn't work. "What the hell are you doing here?" I said gritting my teeth. "Well if I told you it wouldn't be that much of a surprise now would it?" He tried being cute. I punch him which wasn't such a good idea because he brought a gun to my head. "Now now now... We either do this my way? Orrrr.... Actually there is no other way. Your coming with me, and with that everything went black and that's the last thing I remembered.
Aaron's POV
Damn when did he become so heavy? I picked him up and threw him in the truck. Thank god it was dark because if not I so would of been dead.
Rose's POV
"Where the hell are they?" I walked over to Madi and she was being surprisingly quiet. I walked up to her and he was 'sleeping'? "Bitch wake the fuck up would ya?" I slapped her in the eye which did the trick. "Ya?" She yawned probably forgetting she was even here. There almost here let's go! "Where are we going?" She asked being the stupid slut she is. "Somewhere else! The cops will find us here!" "Well that's fine for me I'll just stay right- A gun shot went off and I looked where I shot.
Madison's POV
I heard a gun shot go off then felt a shot of pain that wouldn't go away. My right leg was gushing out blood and I could hold it cause I was tied up. "Shit" I heard Rose say. She must of not of meant to shoot me because she looked scared and worried. She got a towel which bleed red the second it hit my leg. She found a rope and tied it around my leg to help. She was freaking out but I was in shock and was just soaking up pain like a sponge. I didn't know what happened after that because I think I blacked out. But whatever happened it didn't wake up for a long time.
I opened my eyes and looked around. It was almost like a hospital but dirty and now wires. I was laying in a funky bed and I heard arguing. I kept looking around until I saw this shadow. A man! "Help help please can you hear me?" He was sitting in a chair in front of the bed. I could make out who it was because they looked beaten up badly and plus it was dark. The guy looked up and I knew him all to well. It's was my Taylor.
So I think I'm gonna go to bed soon and I did 3 chapters today whoop whoop! Please go follow me it'd be awesome! And go like and comment on my chapters and go tell your friends about me and my book. The title is 'My shadow' and I hope you all enjoy! Bye Love y'all!!
800 Words!!

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