Chapter 5

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After we passed the test we started D rank missions which to be honest I enjoyed a lot considering I have never had one before and it didn't require much effort to complete these missions. Currently my team were trying to catch a cat that I hadn't told them was just calmly sitting on my lap, I had long since discarded the headset and was watching them stalk the cat without noticing I was carrying the cat towards the hokage building.

I entered the building and knocked on the door to the hokage's office I waited until permission was given before walking in and sitting in front of the hokage petting the cat a minute later the rest of the team walked in looking confused before spotting the cat in my arms. They took their places and I handed the cat to its owner before disappearing into the shadows like I normally do.

As soon as the client left Naruto turned to the hokage "Old man give us a better mission all these ones are really boring!" Naruto yelled at the hokage, "NARUTO! You are genin newly out of the academy so you are given D rank missions to help you refine your skills until Lord Hokage and your sensei declare you skilled enough for a C rank or you go up in rank," Iruka starts going into a speech which I heard once before and had to give one point in time. I zoned out a bit "So I had pork ramen yesterday so I might have miso ramen today-" Naruto was talking to the rest of the team about ramen until "Are you even listening Naruto!" yelled Iruka getting mad.

"Iruka-sensei I'm not a little kid anymore I'm a ninja now and I want ninja mission," Naruto says actually making Iruka pause, "You say you want a ninja mission so be it I will give you a C rank," the hokage say shocking everyone until Naruto starts celebrating "NOOOOO I was enjoying the D ranks," I cried out sadly, coming visible next to Iruka making him jump. "Enjoying D ranks?" Kakashi-sensei asked with a sweat-drop, "Hmph, I just never did D ranks before and their fun much easier then what I normally do," I said calmly disappearing again.

Staring at where I was before shaking his head slightly, "Anyway this is an escort mission," the hokage began "Oh how are we escorting a feudal lord, a princess, someone really important?" asked Naruto excitedly, "Don't worry Naruto you'll meet him soon, bring in the visitor," the hokage called out the last part after answering Naruto's question. "A drunk," I warned my voice echoing around the walls me never coming out from the shadows.

A drunken old man walked into the room seconds after my voice silenced. "These brats are ninja, and there's no way that shorty is a ninja," he said upon entering he turned to the hokage "How can I trust my life to these children there a joke," he finished before turning to my team.

"I'm Tazuna a master bridge builder I need you to bring me home safely even at he cost of your lives," he introduced himself, 'lets give him a scare' I thought. I appeared right behind him and whisper in his ear "So why would we need to risk our lives?" I asked simply. Tazuna jumped forwards in shock, "Meet at the gates in 30 minutes and Yuki, are you floating?" he asked staring at the gap between my feet and the ground in confusion.

"How else was I supposed to whisper in Tazuna's ear?" I questioned, "How are you floating?" asked the hokage, "A wind release jutsu," I answered before jumping out the window and running across the rooftops until I arrived at my window, I entered and packed everything need for a mission in my bag before exiting my room via the window and heading to the gates to arrive exactly 30 minutes later.

I saw everyone was already here "We can go now," I said before leaving through the gates. We were just walking along the path "Tazuna are there any ninja in the land of waves?" asked Sakura as we walked, "No Sakura there aren't.........," Kakashi started a lecture about all the different villages and why some don't have any ninja.

"The hidden sand is a lovely village but the Kazekage is a terrible person," I thought aloud when he mentioned the hidden sand in his lecture, "You've been to the hidden sand?" Kakashi asked surprised. I just ignored him and scanned a bit as Kakashi explained the importance of the kage's and Sakura and Naruto doubted the hokage's strength.

A bit after all this talking I saw a puddle letting an unnoticeable smirk 'Demon brothers, it's time to disappear' I thought as I disappeared into the trees shadows trailing team 7 carefully never allowing my presence to be seen. Soon after we passed the puddle chains wrapped around Kakashi-sensei, "What?!" he said, "Kakashi-sensei," cried Sakura and Naruto, "1 down 3 to go," Whispered the demon brothers before flicking their chains towards Naruto, suddenly Sasuke threw a shuriken and a kunai at the chain securing it to a tree, one of them went and attack Naruto with metal claws attached to his hands and another went after the bridge builder before Kakashi stepped in and easily beat them both.

"Hi," Kakashi said simply, "Kakashi-sensei used the replacement jutsu," Naruto said slowly after looking at the logs, "Naruto, sorry I didn't help you right away, I didn't mean for you to get hurt, I just didn't think you would freeze up like that," Kakashi said before walking to Tazuna, "Hey your not hurt are you, scaredy cat," Sasuke said before I snickered coming out of no where right behind Sasuke. "Hey did you know I was there?" I whispered in Sasuke's ear making him freeze. "Naruto don't move around," Kakashi said turning to him.

"Those ninja have poison on their claws we need to open the wound and remove it before it get into you main bloodstream, by the way Mr Tazuna we need to talk," he said startling him. After tying them up Kakashi explained, "Their chunin from the hidden mist their specialty is relentless attack, they keep fighting no matter what the sacrifice," Kakashi gave a simple explanation. "How did you know about our ambush," asked one of the demon brothers. I scoffed before laughing, "A puddle on a clear day when it hasn't rained in weeks," I said in between laughs it was then the demon brothers noticed me.

"Yuki? What are you doing here? Last I heard you were living in the mist," asked one of the demon brothers, "I haven't been to the mist in 6 years, I have been travelling and improving but recently got caught by the leaf now I'm staying for at least a while," I answered surprising them slightly. "Yuki where were you during the attack?" asked Kakashi looking annoyed that these people knew more about me than him. "A team of genin normally consists of three genin and a jonin sensei so I stayed hidden trailing behind knowing that they wouldn't expect me, if the team really needed help I would have stepped in," I answered calmly before pulling out a fan and fanning myself.

"Why did you leave the genin to do the fighting?" asked Tazuna, "I could have taken them out quickly but then I'd have learnt nothing, I had to know who their target was and what they were after," Kakshi answered, "What are you getting at?" asked Tazuna looking slightly suspicious, "Simple I had to know if they were after us ninja attacking ninja or you the master bridge builder," at this point I got bored and started to catch up with the demon brothers a bit.

"So how have you been since you left?" I asked them happily, "Fine not many injuries either but now we are working for a puny short guy called Gatou with Zabuza too," one of them told me, "Yeah he's like a dwarf, but really rich now he has his eyes of the land of waves so he wants the bridge builder dead cause that bridge will destroy his hold of the land," the other explained, "So that's what he was hiding, also I heard some rumours that Zabuza is working with someone who uses the ice release is this true?" I asked calmly, if it is it would seem I have some family left on my mothers side.

"Yeah it's true goes by the name of Haku, looks a lot like a girl-" before he could finish explaining Naruto stabbed himself. I looked at him in a bit of surprise, "Why am I so different, training alone for hours to reach my dream, upon this wound I pledge to deliver the bridge builder safely home and help him complete his bridge," Naruto said, "Naruto that's cool and all but if you lose anymore blood your going to die," Kakashi totally ruins his moment of coolness. I walk up to Naruto and grab his hand "Naruto you have a self abusive personality it's called masochism," Sakura said as I make a hand sign.

My hand started to glow green, just before I went to heal it I noticed it was starting to heal already 'Nine tailed fox ' I thought knowing that's what Kakashi was thinking watching from over my shoulder. I quickly put my glowing hand over Naruto's cut and it quickly disappeared. "You know medical ninjutsu?" Kakashi asked, "Hmm, yeah a travelling medic taught me for a while it was fun she also taught me how to punch apart a boulder," I replied instantly remembering those fun lessons.

"Anyway Naruto is no longer a problem, so we will continue to protect Tazuna for now, we will leave the demon brothers here for a leaf village patrol," Kakashi passes his final judgement.

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