Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

After we got to Tazuna's house we sat in the living room. "So what are you planning to do now?" Kakashi asked Zabuza, "I don't know maybe we will become bounty hunters," he replied and I smile, "That would work but to help with the people after your bounty take this," I said as I handed him a pendant and Kakashi's eyes widened. "This is a pendant saying the wearer is under the protection on the Ice Princess, who is the highest rank in the bingo book," Kakashi states looking at me, and the rest of the people in the room look shocked. "No one is stupid enough to attack someone wearing that thing, so how did you get it?" He asked looking at me in suspicion, "It was given to me by the Ice Princess of course but I was given it because I have a good sense of character so she wanted me to choose someone for her to protect," I answer an innocent smile on my face.

I almost laugh at the incredulous looks I received, "Anyway now you can bounty hunt safely also I suggest not going after the Ice Princess," I say easily not caring for the 'No Duh' looks I received.

* Time Skip *

Tazuna had just finished the bridge and we were all saying goodbye well Kakashi, Sasuke, Sakura and I were, Naruto and Inari were see who would cry first and Zabuza and Haku had left the day before deciding to start low in the bingo book. "It was great to meet you and I hope to see you again," I said this knowing not to promise something that might not happen.

We waved as we left, "So will you tell us about meeting the Ice Princess?" Kakashi questioned me after a few minutes of walking. "I'm not aloud to," I answer simply.

* Time Skip *

"Hi Kotetsu, hi Izumo" I said as we passed by, "Hi Yuki, have you decided on who your going to prank?" He asked, "Hmm yeah you see I am getting sick of the people with masks following me, so I looked for their base," I answer a glint so evil it made both guards and my teammates shiver. "Anyway I have to find Team Guy, I promised to have a spar as soon as I get back," I said as I easily left towards their training ground neglecting to mention anything about whom I would be sparring with.

"Hi Tenten, Lee, Guy, Neji," I called out as their training grounds came into view. "Yuki you're back," Tenten cried out as she brought me into a hug. "I missed you," I replied with a smile before turning to Lee, "Are you ready for that spar?" I asked him as I walked towards the centre of the training field. Instantly we took up a fighting stance, "3, 2, 1 and begin!" cried Guy as the match started, instantly Lee leapt forward and went to kick me, I turn and block with my left arm before kicking up my leg as I flipped over his leg took the hit as I did a series of back handsprings to get a bit of distance. I recovered in seconds before I leapt towards him disappearing from sight as I kicked him.

He went flying back and I stood up straight ignoring the shocked looks from his team. Lee didn't get up so Guy called the match and I headed over and healed him making his team look at me surprised. I walked out of the training ground after promising to fight Guy sometime soon. I headed back to Kakashi's house and jump in the window I sit on my bed thinking on what I should do before I remember a certain lazy pineapple head from the day of the exams.

* Flashback *

"Shikamaru Nara," called Iruka and I see a guy who looked to be asleep 'wake up' and mutter a troublesome. 'He was faking sleep to allow people to underestimate him especially since he is barely passing, heh I wouldn't have known had I not heard about the brilliance of the Nara clans tactics. Soon enough I saw him walking out of the exam room with a headband hidden in his grip.

* Flashback *

'Let's see how his team is going' I thought as I disappeared from my room. I ran through Konoha taking the ninja route over roofs, it took me minutes to find them. I looked at the scene in front of me...

Choji was just eating masses of food; Ino was doing her nails, while Shikamaru was playing around with a shoji board while their sensei Asuma watched disinterested. I sighed, "Here I thought team 10 would be real competition," I said aloud noting how Asuma had tensed when I revealed I was there. "How long have you been there," he asked in surprise, "Only a minute I came to ask if I could play shoji with Shikamaru," I replied noting the surprise in his expression. "I don't mind really it's up to him," Asuma said with a shrug. I turn to see him setting up the board and I take my place opposite him, "You go first," I said and he took the first move. The game continued and soon enough Asuma was watching with interest. Eventually even Choji and Ino got interest and sat to watch, the sun was setting by now and I decided to end the game as I moved one final piece, "Checkmate," I calmly state as the rest of his team looked shocked.

"Incredible," whispered Asuma as he saw what I did, "You could have won ages ago you just chose not to," Shikamaru said looking at me. I just smiled, "Maybe, but surely you rarely lose it was an incredible game one of the hardest I have ever played," I say as I stand. "I should get going before my 'guardian' gets anxious," I say as I disappeared. 'An IQ over 200 huh' I thought as arrived back to Kakashi's and prepared for bed.



Thank you everyone who has read my book to get it to 10k views. Now I know lots of people have been waiting for this chapter and thank you to everyone who commented. I hope that this chapter reaches expectations also I wish to state I have decided on who she will end up with so there is no need for anymore votes. Soon I will write for the chunin exams but first do you want me to include a extra about when they go to the land of the snow between the journey to get Tsunade and Sasuke leaving?

Au Revoir,

Lilian White

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