Chapter 12

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I walked to the dango shop with Anko after the completion of the written portion of the exams. "You know during the second stage Orochimaru is going to try and give Sasuke a cursed seal," I stated casually while we walked, I watched her trip in surprise. "How the hell do you know that?" she asked me in shock. "Hmm well he has a spy in the exams who's name is Kabuto, then there's the fact that he went after Itachi's eyes while they were both part of the same criminal organization," I replied having the time of my life watching her react.

"Where did you get this information?" she replied a small amount of surprise made it into her voice, "That doesn't matter but what does matter is that you need to learn how to get rid of the seal," I said as we walked into the dango shop. We ate and I paid but before we parted I stopped my back facing her, "Time is ticking and he wont be able to withstand the mental aspects of the seal," I said seriously before walking away. Towards home for a good nights rest before tomorrow began.

* Time Skip *

I woke up and instantly prepared packing, making sure to bring sealing scrolls with enough food to last a week as well as my swords, 'Tonight you will taste blood' I thought looking at the scroll holding Aisubureido. I entered the kitchen and prepared breakfast while waiting for Kakashi to wake up, I sighed as he entered the room and took a seat at the table and speed ate, "You should properly enjoy your food," I said ignoring his surprised glace as I continued to neatly eat my food. "Ahh, but then why wear the mask?" he asked simply as I just shook my head, "There is something called genjutsu, it takes a genjutsu master or mistress to dispel, it was made for this kind of thing," I explained simply as he looked up in shock.

"Anyway we are already late and you need to tell team 7 to go to training ground 44," I said standing up, "Wait how did you know it is training ground 44?" he asked confused. "Anko and I had lunch yesterday," I replied leaving to go to the sand siblings hotel. I arrived at their room and knocked. Baki their sensei opened the door, "Ye- Yuki!" he exclaimed in shock before taking note of my headband, "You joined the Leaf?" he asked incredulously, "Not my choice, anyway I came to see Gaara," I said ignoring the his surprise, "Come in then but do me a favor and bring them to training ground 44," he said letting me in.

I walked in and instantly pulled Gaara into a hug "Oh Gaara, I missed you so much," I said tears pulling at the edge of my eyes. "What about us?" asked Temari jokingly, "You too, but I was worried Gaara may have felt abandoned," I replied wiping the tears from my eyes. "You did leave suddenly, what happened?" Kankuro asked. My gaze widened before narrowing sharply into a dangerous gaze, "They finally decided that Gaara was to dangerous to have a friend," I replied, Temari had a sharp intake of breath, "They didn't?" she questioned, "Oh they did," I replied.


A masked shinobi appeared in my room, "Kazekage-sama has called for you," he said and I nodded in acknowledgement. Exiting the room and shunshining to outside of the Kazekage's office, I knocked waiting for the tell tale 'enter' before entering the office. "Yuki, you are a very skilled shinobi for one so young and you understand all ninja are loyal to their kage and only their kage," he started and my eyes narrowed 'I have never and will never be a tool' I thought my icy blue eyes becoming a snow storm. "As such I am giving you a high S class mission, you are to assassinate Gaara of the Desert in complete secret," he ordered confident I would accept what he told me, "I refuse," I stated calmly.

"You haven't the choice!" he replied fiercely, "Oh but when I joined this village you stated to never use me as a tool but now you break your promise and I refuse this mission," I replied my eyes piercing his and his eyes widened as he realized what he had done before narrowing, "In this case I hereby banish Yuki Arashi from the Village hidden in the sand, you have and hour to vacate the village and you will be placed in the bingo books," he replied and my smile turned vicious, "No need I am already in it, my title and name The Ice Princess has been in there for years, and Kazekage-sama you should hope we never meet," I said as I vanished leaving terrified man at the desk.

*Flashback End*

"I remember him coming home he fainted as soon as he got through the door," laughed Kankuro, "That's all fine but Yuki you need to help Gaara rest, he hasn't been able to sleep since you left," she said worry creeping into her voice. "Oh you would never believe how my teams first C rank went," I laughed out loudly; I quickly explained how it went from C to A rank. "Only you Yuki, only you could get a C rank turned A rank when you have just got your first Genin team," Temari said laughing, "You put Zabuza and Haku under you protection as well?" asked Gaara as he fingered the pendant hidden beneath his shirt.

"Yes Gaara, they are under my protection as are all the other Jinchuuriki other then Mr. Nine," I replied while playing with his hair. "You know if anyone else from Suna saw this they would faint," Temari said eying us incredulously, "Please, a majority of Suna hates him," I sniffed a bit upset. "Anyway we had better get going now Anko is dangerously sadistic you guys might get in trouble and we wouldn't want that," I said before grabbing them all and shunshining to outside of the forest before disappearing to the other side of the waiting area.

"Ok everyone, welcome to training ground 44 also known as the forest of death," Anko started, murmurs began and people freaked out, "Forest of Death, it doesn't look like much," Naruto said loudly, "You will soon find that it is not quite what it seems, and that the smart mouthed ones always disappear first," Anko continued sending a kunai flying at his cheek making him freeze, a thin line of blood appeared on his cheek.

"You idiot, this is an ANBU training ground, not a walk in the park," I muttered a bit louder making some of the teams around me tense, "AN-BB-U," one of the stuttered. Anko explained the exam and I went to collect my scroll before leaving to my gate though I had a warning to give, "A small warning those not from Konoha, if you are not into the tower by the third day your lives will be forfeit," I said before leaving for my gate, I left some genins trembling is fright and some unconvinced.



Here is the new chapter I have had a bit of trouble uploading it but I do hope you enjoy it, There have been people questioning and many have guessed where Anko and Yuki went and @Carla447 got it first also please check out my friend @Ara089 stories.

Au Revoir,

Lilian White

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