My Next Update

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Sorry, I haven't updated in ages and you're going to have to wait a little longer. Currently, I have a school assignment which has been going on all year but is coming to the final stages soon.

We choose something to focus on and complete it during a long period of time. I have chosen to write a Novella which I will probably post once it is completed, It will be approximately 20,000 to 30,000 words long and I will have four weeks to write the full story. Currently, the story is in planning stages and next week I will start writing it. Then I will have to write a report about the process I went through etc. after all of that, I will finally be able to focus on my current story.

I will NOT put this on hiatus as during the writing stage I may need a break from the story so there may be an update. I am just warning it may take a while.

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