Chapter 20

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I spent the next fight which was Choji vs Dosu of the sound, trying hard to calm Gaara down. Unfortunately, I do not have a special talent to help with calming down the tailed beasts. I also was not going to use the sharingan which is mainly powered by hatred. I looked up in sadness to see that Dosu was pummeling Choji by playing on his anger at being called fat. When the match was called in Dosu's favour he just turned and walked away not caring of the medic running towards Choji's prone body.

I turned towards the stairs and started walking calmly, "The final match is between Yuki Arashi of Konoha and Yotsuki Haruki of Kiri," the proctor called. I entered the floor watching as my opponent jumped down, "I don't understand why my teammates are scared of you, I mean you're what twelve," He said causing his teammates to face palm. I just ignored him waiting for the proctor to start the match. "Let the final match begin," Hayate-san announced, instantly the room temperature lowered and ice appeared at my feet much to the audience's disbelief.

"Yuki's kekkei-genkei, the ice release," I heard Kakashi say to Guy who was watching in shock. "That would take a lot of chakra to cause the temperature to decrease to this level," I heard Guy reply a hint of disbelief. "A little bit of ice! That is what makes you so feared," scoffed Haruki. "On Team 7's first C rank mission we were lied to by our client, it turns out that a rich business tycoon was out for his head because he was trying to stop his takeover of their village," I explained as I started to form a few hand signs.

"This extremely rich man had hired Zabuza Momochi to kill our client, Zabuza's apprentice seems to be a distant relative and he to help the ice release kekkei-genkei, this is his jutsu, I wonder can you break out, Secret Jutsu: Crystal Ice Mirrors," I called out. As I was talking Naruto and Sasuke had frozen, "She learned that technique!" I heard Naruto exclaim. 'All Naruto must be able to think is that he had to use the Kyuubi's power' I thought calmly as the mirrors formed.

I stepped into the mirror which appeared behind me much to the audience's shock. "She stepped into the ice!" Exclaimed Ino loudly, while Sakura shuddered, "This is what you had to fight, how did you even get out..." trailed off Sakura. Haruki looked around in shock as my image projected to the other mirrors hiding my location. "Your team was right to be afraid of me," I said my voice project from each separate mirror. I form senbon knowing even with my reserves this technique is a major drain on my reserves and forming the ice senbon will help with that drain, I could last two hours however and that would be more than an enough for a match for this competition.

Instantly I attack and start moving while I attack shocking people at the speed the mirrors allowed me to move. I didn't hit anywhere that would cause instant knock out. I slow to a stop, "I will offer you this chance, surrender," I offered calmly knowing what to do if he refuses. "Never!" he snarled doing hand signs, "Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu," he called as fire burst from his mouth only to the shock of the audience become frozen before it even hot the mirror.

"Not even Haku could do that..." trailed off Naruto in horror. It was the genuine feeling around the room and the Hokage's pipe almost fell from its position in his mouth. 'It of course scares Naruto because he knows what Haku could do in his mirrors and for me to do even more' I thought calmly. My opponent looked horrified, staring almost uncomprehending at the ice that outlines where the fire was.

"I have dragged the match out when all it would take is one hit to a pressure point to knock you out," I said uncaring before taking off once more. This time I actually put him in a state of false death, using the same points Haku originally did to escape the first time we encountered them. "I use three weapons," I started as I stepped out of the mirrors, "My senbon..." I announced forming the needles out of ice.

They disappeared as I unsheathed my katana, "My katana..." finally I unclipped my fans "Then there are my twin fans, all of my weapons are dangerous obviously, you wondered why your teammates were afraid of me," I said in an uncaring tone once more. The I disappeared and reappeared on the balcony as my victory was announced.

We were then asked to all come down and pick a number, these numbers decided the finals matches.

1 vs 2 (Neji and Naruto)

3 vs 4 (Gaara and Sasuke)

5 vs 6 (Shikamaru and Temari)

7 vs 8 (Kankuro and Yuki)

9 vs 10 (Karui and Dosu)

11 vs 12 (Omoi and Shino)

Kankuro looked uncomfortable at the thought of facing me and I almost felt sorry for him whereas. I almost laughed for him to beat me was almost impossible because of the way I fight. The stoic look had appeared on Gaara and Shino's faces while Naruto looked ecstatic to be facing Neji so that he could teach him a lesson. 'I have an idea of what will happen so I guess it will be interesting, I cannot wait to see the Raikage again he still owes me money' I thought a little excited for the finals.

"So organize with your sensei where you will be training and when and prepare for the finals, you have 1 month," the Hokage explained easily.



Sorry for the wait, I have been really busy with stuff and I had a grand final this weekend which we won!! My friend is obsessed with pokemon and I have been reading fanfiction for an anime I have yet to watch. I have downloaded all 203 episodes though so I'm getting there.

Hope you enjoy this chapter!

Au revoir,

Lilian White

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