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Sorry for the lack of updates but I have excuses, 

1. My laptop is broken and shuts itself down after about a minute of being on, currently I am on my mothers laptop and I have written about a quarter of the next chapter 

2. I am currently in Japan - Which no I do not live here -  and am on holiday

3. My parents refused to buy me a new laptop until we checked to see if the prices are better in Japan and I am broke (I now have a new laptop but I can't open it until I am threw customs - which I should have been by now but my flight home was cancelled so it has moved to tomorrow)


I was shocked to login to wattpad a day ago and find that this story has his 100K views with less than 2 years being published.

However I do have something I would like help figuring out.

Rin would be around 29 - 30 or so in Part 1 should she have been alive because Kakashi was 26 - 27 and would have been around 11 - 12 when Obito died Rin around 14 - 15 when she died. Yagura would have to have had the three tails sealed when? Yagura's age is unknow but he looks really young. Yagura is also dead by the time Kisame and Itachi go after Naruto as Itachi would otherwise have a different partner. Yagura is said to be a young adult so...

What age would Yagura be when the 3 tails was sealed?


I have started writing the next chapter though it may take a while seeing as all the talk in this fight can really bore me... Yuki's fight will probably be the chapter after the one I'm working on and I go back to school next week soo.

Au revoir,

Lilian White

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