Chapter 10

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I arrived at room 301 and entered to be greeted by Kakashi, "Are the others almost here?" he questioned. "Hmm I think their being held up by your eternal rival but they should be here soon," I replied as I walked to the door, "I will see you soon," I replied as I easily walked into the room completely ignoring the looks that were sent at the door as I entered the room. I instantly slipped into the shadows not caring for the shock that rocked the room, as I just seemed to disappear.

A few minutes later and team 7 entered while making a lot of noise so I slipped into the group just as a silver haired genin with glasses walked up to us, "You should be a bit quieter and not draw attention to yourself," he started, "Hmph at least we don't smell like snakes," I muttered quietly. "Anyway you're the rookies right, and you obviously didn't notice the tense atmosphere," he explained as the rookie 9 suddenly notice and I felt like face palming.

"Anyway my name is Kabuto Yakushi, I don't blame you for not know after all your just rookies," he said, "Kabuto did you say, this isn't your first time taking the exams?" questioned Sakura, "Well this is my seventh time taking the exam, well there held twice a year so this will be my fourth year," he explained. "Wow veteran, you must be really good by now," Sakura stated, "Yeah sort of," he replied, "Cool you can give us all the inside tips!" exclaimed Naruto, "Yeah some expert he's never passed," sighed Shikamaru. "Don't give up hope yet since we're from the same village and rookies I'll give you a hand with my nin info cards," he offered taking them out of his pocket, then he explained how they worked. "Anyone in particular you want information on?" he asked.

"What do you have on Gaara of the Desert, and Rock Lee of the Leaf, and finally Yuki Arashi," Sasuke requested. I simply smiled when people sent confused looks my way, "Alright first up is Rock Lee, looks like he's about a year older than you guys mission experience 11 C ranks and 20 D ranks, his squad leader is Guy, in the last 12 months his taijutsu has radically improved but his other skills are pretty shaky, last year he got a lot of attention as a genin but for some reason he chose participate in the chunin exam, this will be his first year competing same as you guys, his teammates and Tenten and Neji Hyuuga," he finished Lee's information.

"Oh please I could have told you that," I mumbled. "Okay Gaara of the Desert, his mission experience 8 C ranks and get this a B rank as a genin, there's not a lot more information on this guy he was a rookie from another land originally but there is this he's survived every mission without getting a scratch on him," Kabuto finished and pushed up his glasses, "The dudes done a B rank as a genin and he's never even gotten a scratch on him!" Shikamaru exclaimed quietly, "What's the deal with this guy?" asked Naruto.

"Finally Yuki Arashi, mission experience, impossible!" Kabuto exclaimed, "25 S rank, 50 A rank, 70 B rank, 11 C rank one of which turned A rank, and 5 D ranks," all movement in the group stopped as my mission stats were read out and I just continued smiling, all the rookies were regarding me warily. "Let see all her skills are unknown but it does say here she had her first kill at age 4 and is a former ninja of Suna, Kiri, Kumo, Kusa, Hoshi, and Taki, her team leader is Kakashi Hatake, her teammates are Sakura Haruno, Naruto Uzumaki, and Sasuke Uchiha, since there are four genin and the exams must be taken but only groups of three or less she will be doing the exams alone," he finished.

"I wonder how you know all that considering the Hokage doesn't know either way I am not a missing nin that is being hunted the only thing in the bingo book about me is a flee on sight order, I wonder maybe you will find out why that has been put into place?" I say in questioning manner. Every rookie except the ever-oblivious Naruto was on guard, I had just confirmed to be a high level shinobi that used to belong to many villages. Then being the idiot Naruto was he had to insult everyone in the room.

Kabuto also decided was he going to insult the hidden sound, they were quick to attack but Kabuto dodged but I stifled a giggle that tried to come out when the true nature of the attack came forth. "So I think it was like this," I said aloud as I walked forward towards the sound genin and punched missing his face by and inch and stepped back a bit as my attack affected him they looked at me in shock, "You copied my attack," he murmured in shock. Unfortunately before it could go any further the proctor interfered, "Alright you baby faced degenerates pipe down and listen up, it's time to begin, I'm Ibiki Morino and from this moment your worst enemy," he introduced himself.

"First you candidates at the back who told you could fight, you want to be failed before we even begun?" Ibiki questions, "I'm sorry this is our first time in the exams," one of the sound shinobi, "I also apologize I have never taken the exams and took an example from another participant," I said with a smile that almost made everyone forget what had happened. 'It seems some people aren't convinced' I thought as I felt stares at my back.

I walked up and grabbed a number before sitting down next to a random leaf shinobi and a rain genin; I had to hold back a laugh at seeing the chunin under genjutsu to make them look like a genin. "You may start," said Ibiki as he finished his speech and I flipped over the sheet, now I may be slightly smarter then the rest of the room but there was no way in hell I wasn't going to cheat. I refused to look around the room knowing that a Hyuuga was going to be in the room, so I quickly activated my sharingan eyes and completed the answers copying Sakura. Now all I had to do was wait I though as I drifted into sleep.



Hey everyone thank you to all of you who have voted and for all of the nice comments on my previous update I hope you enjoy this chapter and I can't wait to talk to you soon.

Au Revoir,

Lilian White

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