Chapter 17

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'Well this fight will be boring' I thought as I saw the competitors. "Will Ino Yamanaka and Karui of Kumo come to the floor to begin your fight," called out Hayate. Both girls walked down to the floor and took their places, the moment Hayate called to start Karui had unsheathed her sword and took a swipe straight at Ino who only just managed to block the strike with a kunai. She ducked under the blade she blocked to try to attack with taijutsu but failed and a small piece of hair fell to the floor 'Looks like she has an idea' I thought as a spark appeared in her eye. She jumped away to get further from Karui who followed up instantly and sliced horizontally, her ponytail was sliced straight off flying behind her covering the ground.

"How dare you!" she growled insanity seemed to radiate from her eyes as she jumped to the edge of the line of hair leaving Karui standing on a small part of hair. "Do you have any idea how long it took for me to grow that out?" Ino screamed insanity visible in her eyes, 'How very smart' I thought as I saw her eyes being extremely well faked, though to others extremely real. 'Ino grew up around one of the best interrogation specialists Konoha had ever seen, when she was five her father would be discussing his job to her mother. Information gathering and acting became games, it died down when she took an interest in Sasuke but it's in her blood' I thought remember what information I have about her.

Ino's hands formed into a seal causing Shikamaru's eyes to widen in shock. Karui just scoffed, "Are you an idiot? I am a personal student to Killer B the Raikage's brother and you expect him to not warn me of your little jutsu. The mind transfer jutsu is used to enter an opponents mind and take it over however it can only travel in a straight line so all I have to do is dodge," she explained like a pro. "I don't care! You cut my hair, you deserve for all your darkest secrets to be spread to the world!" she screamed crazily. "Ninja Art: Mind Transfer Jutsu!" she cried before her head slump but Karui was already sprinting in a circle around.

Coming into a stop in front of Ino stepping uncaringly on the cut off hair. Karui's head was down before she started to laugh, "I managed to dodge and now you can't came back to you body for a while," she laughed out and tried to step forward only to find she had been held by chakra coated hair. "Gotcha, I'm not stupid enough to use it without making it so you can't move first!" Ino said. 'She actually caught Karui unfortunately I left a little surprise with that team in the forest of death' I thought as Ino attempted the jutsu. "Ninja Art: Mind Transfer Jutsu," she cried as she attempted the jutsu, she slumped and so did Karui, suddenly a scream erupted from Karui as her hands slowly came to a seal and she shouted out "Release!" much to the confusion of the room.

"What was that?" Ino cried out in horror, Karui herself looked shocked as well, "I don't know I can only assume someone set up a defense for me for some reason..." she trailed off before realization filled her eyes. "Yuki! You did this you don't want them to know," she whispered to herself, before they could start to fight again Ino collapsed due to chakra exhaustion. "The winner is Karui of Kumo," Hayate announce before checking Ino's pulse and sending her off with the medics. The screen flashed before stopping, 'Well this is going to be a bit one sided' I thought, "Will Tenten of Konoha and Temari of Suna please come to the floor," announced Hayate as the two girls walked down. "For the next match Tenten, Temari get ready," Hayate, said.

"So this is another genin from the sand village this should be interesting to watch," Neji stated while Lee cheered enthusiastically. "Begin," Hayate announced, the first thing Tenten did was jump back to gather distance. "Lets go Tenten show them the power of youth!" exclaimed Guy with Lee cheering next to him as Naruto blocked his ears, "Urgh, how did I get stuck in the cheering section," complained Naruto as Shikamaru yawned. 'She's carefully determining her distance, pity it wont change that she's out matched' I thought, "What are you waiting for I did say to begin," Hayate said looking between them, "Huh, looks like she's waiting for me to make a move. Big mistake because the first move I make will be the last move you see," Temari said confidently.

"Come on, I don't want this match to be over to quickly, so why don't you go first. Come on girl show me what you got," Temari encouraged with a smirk. "Okay if you insist remember you asked for it," Tenten replied before jumping and throwing shuriken. Temari blurred for a second and the shuriken fell to the ground, "What?! I missed, that's impossible!" she yelled out in shock. "What was that a warm-up exercise, or maybe you're a little nervous and it has affected your aim?" Temari asked with a smirk.

"Rats, I was hoping I'd at least work up a sweat but forget that idea if that's the best you've got," continued Temari. "What was that? How could she have missed? It is incredible!" cried out Lee, "It's impossible, Tenten's aim is perfect she always hits her mark," Guy replied quite forcefully. "Not this time she didn't," replied Neji calmly, "She never misses, there must have been something that made her miss," Guy said ignoring Neji, "Temari is like me," I replied simply making quite a few people look at me in confusion. "Man this is embarrassing, the sand village wins again," Shikamaru said obviously getting what I mean, "What do you mean the match just started," Naruto shouted. "Forget it, it's over," Shikamaru drawled, "Give it a break what makes you so smart, why don't you explain it to me so I can understand," Naruto complained.

"Ahh, skip it, if you can't see it I'm not going to waste my breath," Shikamaru complained, "It's obvious like he said, this ones over," Choji added. "Ah, I don't get it, I really don't get these guys at all," complained Naruto. Temari measured her distance before sprinting around and jumping in an arch opening a scroll with heaps of seals, as she opened the seals she threw the weapons within it at Temari who blocked the weapons with a wall of wind. Revealing the first moon on her fan, I ignored the explanation 'Off course no body knows that Temari is the only person on their team who is actually taught by the sensei' I thought.

"Tenten, do not play your opponents game. Maintain focus, maintain focus!" shouted Lee. Tenten suddenly showed two, "She's using that," Guy said in surprise. "What's with the two scrolls? What's she planning on doing with them?" asked Naruto. I watched as she got rid of the ties with impassive eyes. "It won't work whatever it is," Temari taunted, "Twin rising dragons," Tenten muttered before the two scrolls were shrouded in smoke flying upwards looking like dragons before the smoke left them.

She threw heaps of weapons straight at Temari after unsealing them but Temari just blew them away "It doesn't matter how many you throw," she said as Tenten landed. "I'm not done," Tenten said jumping and pulling her hands up as all the weapons were pulled into the air by attached wire before sending them straight at Temari. I watched impassively as Temari just showed the third moon and sent the weapons flying away along with Tenten. "Moon number three," Temari said before disappearing, Tenten looked around trying to spot her. "Over here," Temari said from atop her fan, which was floating and landed in front of Tenten.

"Now it's my turn! Wind Release: Wind Scythe," Temari yelled trapping Tenten in a vortex of wind. Cuts appeared all over her body "Temari's chakra is controlling the vortex, she fought well but there is no way for her to escape, it's over," stated Neji. Temari allows her out of the vortex causing her to fall on her steel fan blood came out of her mouth. "Wow, that girl is really ruthless," Naruto, said, "Wasn't much of a match, kind of boring," Temari said. "To be able to stop every one of Tenten's attacks like that..." trailed of Guy, "I still cannot believe either," finished Lee.

"It was impressive alright, scary," Naruto replied, "Yep it was another win for the sand village just like you said it would be," Choji said looking at Temari. "Of course that's why I said it," Shikamaru replied, "The winner of the match is Temari of Suna," Hayate said, Temari goes to throw Tenten, "Temari!" I barked out sharply causing her to freeze. Lee, who had seen what she was going to do, was ready to catch her, everyone was watching me. Temari instantly obeyed my silent command and picked Tenten up gently, and handed her to Lee.



Here is the new chapter which I finished yesterday just for today since today is October 10th - Naruto's Birthday. So Happy Birthday to Naruto and I hope you like the new chapter, please comment criticism or just funny thoughts.

Au Revoir,

Lilian White

Can anyone guess where I live?

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