Chapter 18

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I looked at the combatants 'This might be interesting'. "Will Shikamaru Nara and Tsuchi Kin please come down to begin their fight?" called out Hayate. 'It also wont last to long' I added to my last thought. As they went to walk down the other sound ninja stopped Kin and gave her a warning. 'It wont help to much, Shikamaru is a genius his plans will eventually succeed' I thought as Hayate began the match. Kin started by throwing two senbon at Shikamaru who dodged and took note of the bells.

"Keh, please not that old trick let me guess, next you'll throw senbon with bells and senbon without bells at the same time, I'll react to the bells and while I'm dodging them I won't notice the silent needles coming at me. Am I right? Good Luck," He scoffed. Kin brought her hand up and threw two senbon; Shikamaru dodges but looks for the extra two he heard with bells. "What?" he said in confusion noticing the nearly invisible wire she held connected to the bells making it seem like there were two extra senbon. He goes to turn back to his opponent 'Shouldn't of taken your eyes off your opponent" I thought uncaring of the senbon that went straight into his arms.

"Well that didn't take so long," Naruto said, "Hold on he's not beaten yet!" exclaimed Sakura. "One inch higher and that would have been a fatal hit, ugh. Okay now I get a turn!" Shikamaru exclaimed. "Sorry that was your turn," Kin said and suddenly Shikamaru collapsed, 'The bells sound stimulate a sound genjutsu' I thought. "You see you never ask for whom the bells toll for the bells toll for thee, this bell sends off a peculiar sound vibration which travels directly through the inner and outer ear and then directly to the brain. First comes paralysis, soon you'll start hallucinating," Kin explained like an idiot. Shikamaru blocked his ear in an attempt to stop the sound, "It's no use it's impossible to get it to stop once it's already in your ears," Kin said.

"You can't move your arms or legs and even if you could you wouldn't know which one of us to throw your shadow at, lets face it you're cooked little man. I'm going to roast you nice and slow over a hot fire," Kin said. "You think it's that easy huh," Shikamaru stated as she threw three senbon, which Shikamaru just managed to block with his arm. "That was three next time I'll throw five, each time I'll add a couple more until you end up looking like a hedgehog," Kin said, "Stop playing games, if you're so tough why wont you finish it already and stop wasting my time?" Shikamaru questioned, "Oh I'm sorry not a fan of my slow and painful method, fine suit yourself we'll do it the quick way than, and painful," Shikamaru's eyes widened slightly and suddenly Kin froze.

"Can't move my arm!" she exclaimed in shock, "Heh looks like my lame shadow jutsu was a success after all," Shikamaru said and I giggled quietly ignoring the weird looks the others gave me. "But you haven't thrown any shadows, no way, I made sure of it!" she exclaimed in shock, "Huh you really don't see it yet," Shikamaru smugly stated. "Huh, what do you," Kin exclaimed in surprise, "That thread you're, don't you find it strangle it would even cast a shadow at that height. Of course you didn't notice because you were to busy focusing on other things, like killing me," Shikamaru explained.

"The shadow, spreading out around me, plus I didn't even notice," Kin said struggling in Shikamaru's hold, "Right I spread my shadow along the line of that thread and followed it back, now I'm attached to you," Shikamaru explained some more, "And now, so we mirror each others movements so what, it's a neat trick but what do you gain by it?" Kin asked with smirk. "Man you're annoying, shut up and watch," Shikamaru said while reaching for his shuriken holder, "You must be insane, if you throw that shuriken at me you'll just be attacking yourself," She said her eye's showing her shock.

"Makes it kind of interesting doesn't it?" Shikamaru said with a slight smile. "You wouldn't, you couldn't," Kin replied wide eyed, "Yeah like a game of chicken lets see who ducks first!" he said as he threw the kunai, "You're crazy!" she said as she released her own shuriken. Shikamaru ducks just in time causing Kin to also start to duck until she hits her head on the wall. I just continue giggling as some people looked at me in realization, "And that's what I call using your head, a wise shinobi surveys the battle field and uses it to their advantage while never losing sight of their position on it," Shikamaru said.

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