Murphy x Reader 02

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A/N: I've decided to start adding summaries c:
Also sorry if this is bad but it's 2:00 in the morning and my pride hurts :)

SUMMARY- Kane decides that Murphy should be punished for the crimes he committed on the ground. (name) makes Kane a deal; she take the punishment for Murphy so long as nobody lays a finger on him afterwards.


You were with Murphy, eating the disgusting mess that was called food. The two of you usually ate together, being pretty close friends after the hanging incident. You were the only person that believed he wasn't guilty of killing Wells. Hell, you even tried to fight Bellamy for being such a coward.

Out of nowhere, two guard showed up and grabbed Murphy by the arms. The boy struggled to get free until Chancellor Kane appeared.

"What the hell?" Murphy glared at him.
The man just smiled though.

"John Murphy," he spoke. "You are guilty of both murder and attempted murder and shall therefor be punished. 50 lashings."

Your (eye/colour) eyes widened and your heart nearly stopped beating. Fifty lashes for killing people that unjustly tried to hang him? You immediately stood from your seat, glaring harshly at the chancellor.

"You've got to be kidding! They tried to kill him! And besides, you people weren't even there!"

Kane ignored you, gesturing for the two guards to take Murphy away to his punishment.

"Kane, you can't be seriois!" You begged. "He's been through enough, he was tortured by the grounders for Christ's sake! Just let this go!"

He stared at you, no emotion showing in his eyes, before he turned on his heel and left. It took you a moment to wrap your head around the atrocity of the situation, but once you did you were sprinting to catch up with him.
When you got to the "lashing posts" there was already a crowd gathered and Murphy was being tied up.

"Wait, Kane, please..." you stopped in front of him. "Please just hear me out!"

He glanced down at you before looking back at the posts.

"He killed two people, (name). I can't just let that go."

You stared at him, a desperate look in your (bright/dark) eyes.

"I'll take his place then."

The chancellor snapped his gaze to you, trying to decide if you were serious or not. When he realized you were, he shook his head.

"You didn't commit the crime, (name)."

"Murphy was tortured, you think this is really going to teach him anything? Let me take his place. In exchange though, nobody is allowed to lay a single damn finger on him."

He seemed to mull it over for a minute before finally holding up a hand.

"Let him go." He commanded

The guard gave him an incredulous look, but released the restraints. You felt better immediately, even when Kane gave the order to have you tied up.
You were led to the lashing post, each hand getting tied up and the back of your (colour) shirt getting ripped open.

"Hey!" You heard Murphy growl. "What the hell is going on? What do you think you're doing!"

"Punishing you." Kane said simply.

You closed your eyes and focused on the sounds around you.

People were murmuring.
Murphy was screaming for you to be let go as guards restrained him.
There was just a slight wind blowing, making the branches of trees sway lightly.


Searing, white hot pain filled your body. It started at your back and spider-webbed out before shooting down your limbs, ending at each appendage. Your breathing halted momentarily and your heart sped up.

Murphy's yells became louder.


The electricity flew through your body again and it felt like it was tearing each individual cell apart. The skin on your back was burning, even after the baton was removed. Your skin continued to tingle at the lingering pain.

"Please," Murphy's voice cracked; he was crying. "Please stop..."


The cycle continued.
You tried biting your lip to suppress the scream of agony that wanted so desperately to slip out, but by the sixth lashing it was no use. A strained yell of pure pain ripped from your mouth and passed your now bleeding lips.
By the 15th lashing your throat hurt, as if you'd swallowed rocks. Even screaming hurt you.

By number 33, Murphy stopped yelling.
Through your tear-filled eyes you saw him on his knees with his hands over his eyes. His shoulders shook violently.

When it got to 45 you were barely even conscious, only able to focus on the blood that flowled slowly down your back. Your hands were sore from gripping at the ropes and your throat had gone numb; leaving you without a voice.

You couldn't remember number 50.


When you woke up you noticed that your back was practically numb, but that was probably for the best.
You also noted the sleeping Murphy that sat beside your bed. His head was propped up on one of his hands, and you could see the puffiness under his eyes from crying. Slowly, you began running your fingers gently through his hair.

"Hmm?" He opened his eyes before jumping up to wrap one strong arm gently around your neck.

"I'm so sorry, (name)." He whispered into your hair. "I... I'm so sorry..."

"Don't be..." Your own voice came out in a strained whisper, stinging a bit from your still sore throat. " choice..."

Murphy pulled back to look at you, his blue/grey eyes bloodshot. After a moment of silence between the two of you, Murphy leaned in and placed a quick kiss on your lips.

"Don't ever do that again, okay?"

John Murphy x Reader (One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now