Murphy x Reader 06

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Requested: yes (Jayywolf84)

Summary: (name) and Murphy are in a relationship, but (name) gets jealous when other girls are flirting with Murphy.

Warnings: Murphy being dumb ig, swearing, shitty


There were advantages to dating John Murphy; like getting a bigger tent because of the position he held, being one of Bellamy's goons. There were also disadvantages, however.

"So you just took it down all on your own?" The girl let out an obnoxious giggle as she pressed a hand on Murphy's arm.
The boy didn't even seem to notice, just smirked slyly and nodded.

"Yeah," he replied. "I mean the camp needs to eat, right?"

You felt your eye twitch. That damn redhead was going to go missing if she didn't get the hell off of your boyfriend right this minute.
To your frustration, another girl joined in on the little party, mischievously asking Murphy if he could teach her to hunt.

Your eye twitched again and you crushed the aluminum container you had been holding... on accident.

Sucking in a breath, you stood up and went back to your tent. Murphy wants to gather himself a little harem? Fine. Whatever. Like you cared.

"Asshole!" you yelled at him an hour later when he entered the tent. "What the hell was that? Don't even answer, I will tell you what that was. You just decided it would be fun to let those girls touch you? You didn't even care that they were flirting with you right in front of me? That's a pretty dick move Murphy. Just because we might die soon doesn't mean you can go off doing whatever, especially since you have a girlfriend."

You finished your little rant, planting slightly since you hadn't taken the time to breathe.

"... Are you done, (name)?" Murphy asked you calmly.
How is he going to be so calm about this? Did he seriously not care at all?
You glared at him.



"Don't interrupt me you little shit. How can you just stand there completely relaxed when THEY-"

Murphy didn't let you finish, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you tightly against his chest, he smashed his lips against yours.
You were still angry at first, but... it was Murphy for God's sake. So instead of pushing him away you returned the kiss. It was slow and passionate, but still fierce. Your eyes were closed as you reveled in the feeling of your boyfriend's lips against your own, moulding together perfectly as always.

Finally, he pulled away slightly, breathing heavily. His forehead rest against yours while he spoke.

"(name)..." he murmured softly. "Listen to me... Those chicks out there; I have no idea who they are and to be honest, I didn't even know they were flirting. I'm not... used to getting treated like that. I'm sorry that I didn't stop them, and I'm sorry that I made you angry. I promise you, I won't let them do it anymore. Okay?"

You stated him down for a moment to see if he was lying. When you saw only sincerity in his eyes, you smiled.

"You better not. I swear if it happens again-"

"It won't," He laughed and pecked you're lips. "I promise."

John Murphy x Reader (One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now